README The files in this directory contain the LISA collection as provided by Peter Willett of Sheffield University. They are NOT TO BE SOLD but are being provided to support research investigations. For ease of manipulation, the document collection is broken up into a number of files that should be concatenated together to yield the full set. The LISA collection was sent in messages with headers like those at the bottom of this file. There are 6004 documents and 35 queries with relevance judgements. - Ed Fox The Library and Information Science Abstracts database is Copyright (c) 1982 Library Association -------------more information about collection, taken from letter---------- Comments from a 28 June 1988 letter from Dr. Peter Willett, Snior Lecturer in Information Science, Department of Information Studies, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, ENGLAND Telephone: (0742) 768555, x. 6012 Fax: (0742) 739826 Email: LI1PBW%PRIMEA.SHEFFIELD.AC.UK@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU "I am enclosing a copy of a test collection which we have developed here based on the 1982 Library and Information Science Abstracts database (6004 documents for which we have extracted just the title and abstract fields). There are 35 natural language queries which were obtained from students on our MSc course in 1983; these were searched for in all of the printed versions of LISA (not quite exhaustively but the student in question did spend about 6 weeks doing nothing else but sitting in the library surrounded by LISA issues!). These manual searches were supplemented by extensive online searches; I would guess that probably 80% of the relevant documents have been identified. I also enclose a copy of the correspondence which I had with Nick Moore at the Library Association, who provided the original data. Is this acceptable to you for your copyright purposes - I am assuming that the disc will have some statement about not selling the data etc etc." ------------sample msg from person sending files----------- Date: Thu, 27 Oct 88 12:21:28 GMT From: LI1IGH@PRIMEA.SHEFFIELD.AC.UK To: foxea@VTCC1 Dr. Fox, Hopefully, you will be receiving the Sheffield LISA test collection along with this note. I don't know what went wrong with the version we sent on tape; this one looked ok when it left here. Please let me, or Peter Willett, know if anything unexpected happens to it in transit.. Steve Wade (Research Assistant)