%A K.A. Lantz %T Uniform interfaces for distributed systems %R Ph.D. thesis %I University of Rochester, NY %D May 1980 %A Lokendra Shastri %T Evidential reasoning in semantic networks: A formal theory and its parallel implementation %R Ph.D. thesis %I University of Rochester, NY %D July 1985 %X ABSTRACT: The problem of representing and utilizing a large body of knowledge is fundamental to artificial intelligence. This thesis focuses on two important issues related to this problem. 1. An agent cannot maintain complete information about any but the most trivial environment, and therefore, he must be capable of reasoning with incomplete and uncertain information. 2. An agent must act in real-time. Human agents take a few hundred milliseconds to perform a broad range of tasks, and an agent endowed with artificial intelligence should perform similar tasks in comparable time. It is argued that the best way to cope with partial and incomplete information is to adopt an evidential form of reasoning, wherein, inference does not involve establishing the truth of a proposition but instead, it involves finding the most likely hypothesis from among a set of alternatives. It is also argued that in order to satisfy the real-time constraint, we must identify the kinds of inference that we must perform very fast, and provide a c_o_m_p_u_t_a_t_i_o_n_a_l a_c_c_o_u_n_t of how this limited class of inference may be performed in an acceptable time frame. This latter requirement prompts us to consider massively parallel (connectionist) models of computation, in particular models that do not require an interpreter. Inheritance and categorization within a conceptual hierarchy are identified as two operations tha humans perform very fast. It is suggested that these operations are important because they seem to lie at the core of intelligence and are precursors to more complex reasoning. The above concerns and proposed solutions lead to an evidential framework for representing conceptual knowledge wherein the principle of maximum entropy is applied to deal with uncertainty and incompleteness. It is demonstrated that the proposed framework offers a uniform treatment of inheritance and categorization, and solves an interesting class of inheritance and categorization problems, including those that involve exceptions, multiple hierarchies, and conflicting information. The proposed framework can be encoded as an interpreter-free, massively parallel (connectionist) network, that can solve inheritance and categorization problems in time proportional to the depth of the conceptual hierarchy. (Advisor: Jerome A. Feldman)