%A Kish Shen %T An investigation of the Argonne model of OR-parallel Prolog %R M.Sc. thesis %I Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester %D November 1986 %P 212 %A Andy Cheese %T The applicability of SKI(BC) combinators in a parallel rewrite rule environment %R M.Sc. thesis %I Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester %D October 1985 %X ABSTRACT: Functional programming languages possess two major advantages over traditional imperative languages, they are free from side effects and explicit commands. This means that they are referentially transparent instead of being referentially opaque. This property implies that it is possible to reason about functional language programs on a basis of a static analysis of the program text. Because of their mathematical properties, functional languages will prove to be more amenable to formal verification methods, leading to the long awaited reduction in software costs. The main obstacle against their widespread use has been the difficulty of achieving a tolerable performance on existing hardware. The main reason behind this inefficiency has been the need to support an environment, a mapping of variables currently in scope to their current values. Maintaining storage for this environment and constantly searching through it for the value of a variable are the major causes of this inefficiency. By using combinatory logic, a functional program can be translated into a form from which all bound variables have been removed. The chief advantages of this approach is that the problem of needing a ubiquitous environment is now replaced by a small number of primitive constants which selectively ship to each subexpression of the program only that part of the environment that is referenced in the subexpression. There have been a number of proposals for implementations that are based on conventional serial techniques. A parallel implementation based on a graphical packet based rewrite rule model is investigated and a comparative assessment of this and the implementation proposed by the alvey Flagship project is undertaken. In the light of this the combinator set is modified in order for it to be more suited to parallel evaluation schemes.