%A Richard J. Lipton %T Response time of parallel programs %R Research Report #108 %I Yale University %D June 1977 %P 32 %A Lawrence Snyder %T On the synthesis and analysis of protection systems %R Research Report #119 %I Yale University %D ??? %P 10 %K take-grant %A J.A. Fisher %T Very long instruction word architectures and the ELI-512 %R Technical Report 253 %I Yale University %D 1982 %K VLIW %A Dana Angluin %T Learning regular sets from queries and counter-examples %R Technical Report TR-464 %I Yale University %D 1986 %A Dana Angluin %A P.D. Laird %T Identifying k-CNF formulas from noisy examples %R Technical Report TR-478 %I Yale University %D 1986 %A Dana Angluin %T Types of queries for concept learning %R Technical Report TR-479 %I Yale University %D 1986