%A Robert Wilensky %Q with contributions from the Cognitive Science Faculty %T An overview of research in the berkeley cognitive science program %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 1 %D June 1982 %A George Lakoff %T Categories and cognitive models %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 2 %D November 1982 %A Paul Kay %T Linguistic competence and folk theories of language: two english hedges %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 3 %D December 1982 %A Len Talmy %T How language structures space %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 4 %D January 1983 %D January 1983 %A Charles J. Fillmore %T Ideal readers and real readers %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 5 %D January 1983 %A Christopher Cherniak %T The `Universal acceptance of logic' %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 6 %D February 1983 %A Paul Kay %T Three properties of the ideal reader %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 7 %D March 1983 %A Paul Kay %A Willett Kempton %T What is the sapir-whorf hypothesis? %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 8 %D April 1983 %A Stephen Palmer %T The psychology of perceptual organization: a transformational approach %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 9 %D March 1983 %A George Lakoff %A Zoltan Kovecses %T The cognitive model of anger inherent in american english %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 10 %D May 1983 %A Hubert Dreyfus %T Why current studies of human capacities can never be scientific %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 11 %D October 1983 %A L.A. Zadeh %T A theory of commonsense knowledge %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 12 %D October 1983 %A L.A. Zadeh %T A fuzzy-set theoretic approach to the compositionality of meaning: propositio ns. dispositions and canonical forms %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 13 %D December 1983 %A Dan I. Slobin %T The child as linguistic icon-maker %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 14 %D January 1984 %A L.A. Zadeh %T Test-score semantics as a basis for a computational approach to the represent ation of meaning %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 15 %D February 1984 %A L.A. Zadeh %T Syllogistic reasoning in fuzzy logic and its application to reasoning with di spositions %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 16 %D February 1984 %A John Ohala %T Consumer's guide to evidence in phonology %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 17 %D February 1984 %A George Lakoff %T THERE-Constructions: a case study in grammatical construction theory and pro totype theory %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 18 %D January 1984 %A George Lakoff %T Classifiers as a reflection of mind: a cognitive model approach to prototype theory %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 19 %D January 1984 %A Annette Herskovits %T Comprehension and production of locatives %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 20 %D March 1984 %A L.A. Zadeh %T Fuzzy sets and commonsense reasoning %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 21 %D March 1984 %A Paul Kay %T The KIND OF/SORT OF construction. %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 22 %D March 1984 %A Jenny Cook-Gumperz %A John J. Gumperz %T The politics of a conversation: conversational inference in discussion %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 23 %D May 1984 %A John J. Gumperz %T Communicative competence revisited %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 24 %D June 1984 %A L.A. Zadeh %T A computational theory of dispositions %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 25 %D July 1984 %A Wallace Chafe %T Cognitive constraints on information flow %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 26 %D July 1984 %A L.A. Zadeh %T A simple view of the dempster-shafer theory of evidence %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 27 %D October 1984 %A Stephen Palmer %A Ruth Kimchi %T The information processing approach to cognition. %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 28 %D November 1984 %A John J. Ohala %T Explanation in phonology: opinions and examples %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 29 %D December 1984 %A Manjari Ohala %A John J. Ohala %T Psycholinguistic probes of native speakers' phonological knowledge %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 29 %D December 1984 %A Leonard Talmy %T Lexicalization patterns: typologies and universals %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 30 %D January 1986 %A L.A. Zadeh %T Fuzzy sets, usuality and commonsense reasoning %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 32 %D October 1985 %A L.A. Zadeh %T A simple view of the demptser-shafter theory of evidence and its implications for the rule of combination %J UCB Cognitive Science Report %N 33 %D November 1985