%A Ralph Byers %A Stephen Nash %T On the Singular "Vectors" of the Lyapunov Operator %R Technical Report 438 %I Mathematical Sciences Department, The Johns Hopkins University %D June 1985 %X For a real matrix A, the separation of A' and A is sep(A',-A) = min ||A'X + XA||/||X||, where ||.|| represents the Frobenius norm, and A' is the transpose of A. We discuss the conjecture that the minimizer X is symmetric. This conjecture is related to the numerical stability of methods for solving the matrix Lyapunov equation. The quotient is minimized by either a symmetric matrix or a skew symmetric matrix and is maximized by a symmetric matrix. The conjecture is true if A is 2-by-2, if A is normal, if the minimum is zero, or if the real parts of the eigenvalues of A are of one sign. In general the conjecture is false, but counter examples suggest that symmetric matrices are nearly optimal.