%A G. Chesson %T The network Unix system %J Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Austin, Texas %D November 1975 %O published as Operating Systems Review 9:5 %K sosp sosp5 %P 60-66 %A W.A. Wulf %A R. Levin %A C. Pierson %T Overview of the Hydra operating system %J Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Austin, Texas %D November 1975 %O published as Operating Systems Review 9:5 %K sosp sosp5 %P 122-131 %A R. Levin %A E. Cohen %A W. Corwin %A F. Pollack %A W.A. Wulf %T Policy/mechanism separation in Hydra %J Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Austin, Texas %D November 1975 %O published as Operating Systems Review 9:5 %K sosp sosp5 %P 132-140 %A E. Cohen %A D. Jefferson %T Protection in the Hydra operating system %J Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Austin, Texas %D November 1975 %O published as Operating Systems Review 9:5 %K sosp sosp5 %P 141-160 %A R.M. Needham %A R.D.H. Walker %T The Cambridge CAP computer and its protection system %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 1-10 %A R.M. Needham %A A.D. Birrell %T The CAP filing system %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 11-16 %A R.M. Needham %T The CAP project - an interim evaluation %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 17-22 %A F. Baskett %A J.H. Howard %A J.T. Montague %T Task communication in DEMOS %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 23-32 %A M.L. Powell %T The DEMOS file system %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 33-42 %A M.D. Schroeder %A D.D. Clark %A J.H. Saltzer %T The Multics kernel design project %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 43-56 %A R.J. Felertag %A K.N. Levitt %A L. Robinson %T Proving multilevel security of a system design %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 57-66 %A C.A. Ellis %T Consistency and correctness of duplicate database systems %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 67-84 %A W.A. Montgomery %T Measurements of sharing in Multics %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 85-90 %A D.P. Reed %A R.K. Kanodla %T Synchronization with eventcounts and sequencers %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 91 %O extended abstract %A G. McDaniel %T Metric: a kernel instrumentation system for distributed environments %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 93-100 %A L. Casey %A N. Shelness %T A domain structure for distributed computer systems %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 101-108 %A J.Y. Babonneau %A M.S. Achard %A G. Morisset %A M.B. Mounajjed %T Automatic and general solution to the adaptation of programs in a paging environment %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 109-116 %A T. Masuda %T Effect of program localities on memory management strategies %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 117-124 %A D. Potier %T Analysis of demand paging policies with swapped working sets %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 125-132 %A E. Cohen %T Information transmission in computational systems %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 133-140 %A L. Snyder %T On the synthesis and analysis of protection systems %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 141-150 %A D.L. Russell %T Process backup in producer-consumer systems %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 151-158 %A Arvind %A K.P. Gostelow %A W. Plouffe %T Indeterminacy, monitors, and dataflow %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 159-170 %A D.R. Cheriton %A M.A. Malcolm %A L.S. Melen %A G.R. Sager %T Thoth, a portable real-time operating system %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 171 %O extended abstract %A K.-P. Lohr %T Beyond Concurrent Pascal %J Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Purdue University %D November 1977 %O published as Operating Systems Review 11:5 %K sosp sosp6 %P 173-180 %A M.D. Canon %A D.H. Fritz %A J.H. Howard %A T.D. Howell %A M.F. Mitoma %A J. Rodriguez-Rosell %T A virtual machine emulator for performance evaluation %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 1 %O summary %A B. Kumar %A T.A. Gonsalves %T Modelling and analysis of distributed software systems %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 2-8 %A D. Swinehart %A G. McDaniel %A D. Boggs %T WFS: a simple shared file system for a distributed environment %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 9-17 %A W.H. Paxton %T A client-based transaction system to maintain data integrity %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 18-23 %A T. Bloom %T Evaluating synchronization mechanisms %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 24-32 %A B. Liskov %T Primitives for distributed computing %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 33-42 %A B.W. Lampson %A D.D. Redell %T Experience with processes and monitors in Mesa %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 43-44 %O summary %A M. Bishop %A L. Snyder %T The transfer of information and authority in a protection system %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 45-54 %A R.P. Reitman %T A mechanism for information control in parallel systems %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 55-63 %A B.J. Walker %A R.A. Kemmerer %A G.J. Popek %T Specification and verification of the UCLA Unix security kernel %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 64-65 %O extended abstract %A G.T. Almes %A E.D. Lazowska %T The behaviour of Ethernet-like computer communications networks %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 66-81 %A R.M. Needham %T Systems aspects of the Cambridge ring %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 82-85 %A K.A. Lantz %A R.F. Rashid %T Virtual terminal management in a multiple process environment %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 86-97 %A B.W. Lampson %A R.F. Sproull %T An open operating system for a single-user machine %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 98-105 %A D.D. Redell %A Y.K. Dalal %A T.R. Horsley %A H.C. Lauer %A W.C. Lynch %A P.R. McJones %A H.G. Murray %A S.C. Purcell %T Pilot: an operating system for a personal computer %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 106-107 %O summary %A M.H. Solomon %A R.A. Finkel %T The Roscoe distributed operating system %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 108-114 %A J.K. Ousterhout %A D.A. Scelza %A P.S. Sindhu %T Medusa: an experiment in distributed operating system structure %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 115-116 %O summary %A A.K. Jones %A R.J. Chansler Jr %A I. Durham %A K. Schwans %A S.R. Vegdahl %T StarOS, a multiprocessor operating system for the support of task forces %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 117-127 %A D. Cook %T In support of domain structure for operating systems %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 128-130 %A E.F. Gehringer %T Variable-length capabilities as a solution to the small object problem %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 131-142 %A W.A. Montgomery %T Polyvalues: a tool for implementing atomic updates to distributed data %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 143-149 %A D.K. Gifford %T Weighted voting for replicated data %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 150-162 %A D.P. Reed %T Implementing atomic actions on decentralized data %J Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1979 %O published as Operating Systems Review 13:5 %K sosp sosp7 %P 163 %O extended abstract %A A. Bernstein %A P.K. Harter Jr %T Proving real-time properties of programs with temporal logic %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 1-11 %A J.M. Rushby %T Design and verification of secure systems %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 12-21 %A J.F. Bartlett %T A NonStop kernel %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 22-29 %A H.C. Lauer %T Observations on the development of an operating system %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 30-36 %A M. Fridrich %A W. Older %T The FELIX file server %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 37-44 %A J.G. Mitchell %A J. Dion %T A comparison of two network-based file servers %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 45-46 %O summary %A L. Svobodova %T A reliable object-oriented repository for a distributed computer system %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 47-58 %A A.J. Herbert %A R.M. Needham %T Sequencing computation steps in a network %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 59-63 %A R.F. Rashid %A G.G. Robertson %T Accent: a communication oriented network operating system kernel %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 64-75 %A A.Z. Spoctor %T Performing remote operations efficiently on a local computer network %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 76-77 %O summary %A O. Babaoglu %A W.N. Joy %T Converting a swap-based system to do paging in an architecture lacking page-referenced bits %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 78-86 %A R.W. Carr %A J.L. Hennessy %T WSClock: a simple and effective algorithm for virtual memory management %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 87-95 %A M. Satyanarayanan %T A study of file sizes and functional lifetimes %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 96-108 %A M. Bishop %T Hierarchical take-grant protection systems %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 109-122 %A D.K. Gifford %T Cryptographic sealing for information secrecy and authentication %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 123-124 %O summary %A G.W. Cox %A W.M. Corwin %A K.K. Lai %A F.J. Pollack %T A unified model and implementation for interprocess communication in a multiprocessor environment %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 125-126 %O extended abstract %A K.C. Kahn %A W.M. Corwin %A T.D. Dennis %A H. D'Hooge %A D.E. Hubka %A L.A. Hutchins %A J.T. Montague %A F.J. Pollack %A M.R. Gifkins %T iMAX: a multiprocessor operating system for an object-based computer %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 127-136 %A F.J. Pollack %A K.C. Kahn %A R.M. Wilkinson %T The iMAX-432 object filing system %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 137-147 %A E.D. Lazowska %A H.M. Levy %A G.T. Almes %A M.J. Fischer %A R.J. Fowler %A S.C. Vestal %T The architecture of the Eden system %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 148-159 %A G.W.R. Luderer %A H. Che %A J.P. Haggerty %A P.A. Kirslis %A W.T. Marshall %T A distributed Unix system based on a virtual circuit switch %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 160-168 %A G. Popek %A B. Walker %A J. Chow %A D. Edwards %A C. Kline %A G. Rudisin %A G. Thiel %T LOCUS: a network transparent, high reliability distributed system %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 169-177 %A A.D. Birrell %A R. Levin %A R.M. Needham %A M.D. Schroeder %T Grapevine: an exercise in distributed computing %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 178-179 %O summary %A N. Meyrowitz %A M. Moser %T BRUWIN: an adaptable design strategy for window manager/virtual terminal systems %J Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Pacific Grove, California %D December 1981 %O published as Operating Systems Review 15:5 %K sosp sosp8 %P 180-189 %A B.G. Lindsay %A L.M. Haas %A C. Mohan %A P.F. Wilms %A R.A. Yost %T Computation and communication in R*: a distributed database manager %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 1-2 %O abstract only %A A.D. Birrel %A B.J. Nelson %T Implementing remote procedure calls %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 3 %O abstract only %K Cedar %A A.P. Black %T An asymmetric stream communication system %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 4-10 %K Eden ipc %A D.H. Craft %T Resource management in decentralized system %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 11-19 %A L. Guarino Reid %A P.L. Carlton %T A file system supporting cooperation between programs %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 20-29 %A C.J. Stephenson %T Fast fits: new methods for dynamic storage allocation %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 30-32 %O abstract only - paper to be published in TOCS %A B.W. Lampson %T Hints for computer system design %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 33-48 %K folklore %A B. Walker %A G.J. Popek %A R. English %A C. Kline %A G. Thiel %T The LOCUS distributed operating system %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 49-70 %K file fault %A E.T. Mueller %A J.D. Moore %A G.J. Popek %T A nested transaction mechanism for LOCUS %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 71-89 %K trans fault %A A. Borg %A J. Baumbach %A S. Glazer %T A message system supporting fault tolerance %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 90-99 %K Auragen %A M.L. Powell %A D.L. Presotto %T Publishing: a reliable broadcast communication mechanism %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 100-109 %K fault DEMOS/MP %A M.L. Powell %A B.P. Miller %T Process migration in DEMOS/MP %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 110-118 %A M.F. Richardson %A R.M. Needham %T The TRIPOS filing machine, a front-end to a file server %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 119-127 %A D.R. Cheriton %A W. Zwaenepoel %T The distributed V kernel and its performance for diskless workstations %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 128-139 %A M.D. Schroeder %A A.D. Birrel %A R.M. Needham %T Experience with Grapewine: the growth of a distributed system %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 140-141 %O abstract only %A J. Silverman %T Reflections on the verification of the security of an operating system kernel %J Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Bretton Woods, New Hampshire %D October 1983 %O published as Operating Systems Review 17:5 %K sosp sosp9 %P 142-154 %A N. Kronenberg %A H. Levy %A W. Strecker %T VAXclusters: a closely-coupled distributed system %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 1 %O abstract only %A M. Theimer %A K. Lantz %A D. Cheriton %T Preemptable remote execution facilities for the V-system %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 2-12 %A R. Fitzgerald %A R. Rahsid %T The integration of virtual memory management and interprocess communication %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 13-14 %O abstract only %A J. Ousterhout %A H. da\ Costa %A D. Harrison %A J. Kunze %A M. Kupfer %A J. Thompson %T A trace-driven analysis of the UNIX 4.2BSD file system %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 15-24 %A M. Schroeder %A D. Gifford %A R. Needham %T A caching file system for a programmer's workstation %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 25-34 %A M. Satyarayanan %A J. Howard %A D. Nichols %A R. Sidebotham %A A. Spector %A M. West %T The ITC distributed file system: principles and design %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 35-50 %A S. Mullender %A A. Tanenbaum %T A distributed file service based on optimistic concurrency control %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 51-62 %A E. Cooper %T Replicated distributed programs %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 63-78 %A K. Birman %T Replication and fault-tolerance in the ISIS system %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 79-86 %A D. Davcev %A W. Burkhard %T Consistency and recovery control for replicated files %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 87-96 %A M. Malkawi %A J. Patel %T Compiler-directed memory management policy for numerical programs %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 97-106 %A S. Reihnardt %T A data-flow approach to multitasking on CRAY X-MP computers %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 107-114 %A M. Weinstein %A T. Page %A B. Livezey %A G. Popek %T Transactions and synchronization in a distributed operating system %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 115-126 %A A. Spector %A D. Daniels %A D. Duchamp %A J. Eppinger %A R. Pausch %T Distributed transactions for reliable systems %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 127-146 %A B. Oki %A B. Liskov %A R. Scheifler %T Reliable object storage to support atomic actions %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 147-159 %A N. Carriero %A D. Gelernter %T The S/Net's Linda kernel %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 160 %O abstract only %A D. Gifford %A R. Baldwin %A S. Berlin %A J. Lucassen %T An architecture for large scale information systems %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 161-170 %A D. Clark %T A The structuring of systems using upcalls %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 171-180 %A A. Black %T Supporting distributed applications: experience with Eden %J Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Orcas Island, Washington %D December 1985 %O published as Operating Systems Review 19:5 %K sosp sosp10 %P 181-193 %A J. Howard %A M. Kazar %A S. Menees %A D. Nichols %A M. Satyarayanan %A R. Sidebothan %A M. West %T Scale and performance in a distributed file system %J Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Austin, Texas %D November 1987 %K sosp sosp11 %A M. Nelson %A B. Welch %A J. Ousterhout %T Caching in the Sprite network file system %J Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Austin, Texas %D November 1987 %K sosp sosp11 %A G. Nichols %T Using idle workstations in a shared computing environment %J Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Austin, Texas %D November 1987 %K sosp sosp11 %A E. Zayas %T Breaking the process migration bottleneck %J Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Austin, Texas %D November 1987 %K sosp sosp11 %A G. Varghese %A A. Lauck %T Hashed and hierarchical timing wheels: data structures to efficiently implement a timer facility %J Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Austin, Texas %D November 1987 %K sosp sosp11 %A J. Mogul %A R. Rashid %A M. Accetta %T The packet filter: an efficient mechanism for user-level network code %J Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %C Austin, Texas %D November 1987 %K sosp sosp11 %A M. Schwartz %A J. Zahorjan %A D. Notkin %T A name service for evolving heterogeneous systems %J Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Symposium between seeds to allow them to grow adequately and to discourage damping-off fungus. * The flavor and quality of the new white and yellow varieties of beets are similar to the traditional red cultivars. * The Waterlily Society has been formed by a group of aquatic plant lovers. For further information, write them at Box 104, Lilypons, MD 21717. * Topiary is the art of clipping and trimming a plant into unusual designs. Forms for indoor typiary can be purchased or shaped by hand from galvanized wire. One media mix for topiary forms is 1 part peatmoss to 1 part potting soil surrounded by sheet moss. Plants such as English ivy and creeping thyme work well for this use. * Crabapples, valued for their beautiful spring blossoms and attractive fruit, are members of the rose family. Along with many of their relatives, many crabapples are susceptible to diseases such as scab, cedar-apple rust, powdery mildew, and fire blight. All of these diseases shorten the life span of the trees and diminish their ornamental qualities. You will want to plant disease-resistant cultivars of crabapple such as 'Ames White', 'Autumn Glory', 'Baskatong', 'Beauty', 'Coral Cascade', 'Evelyn', 'Harvest Gold', 'Molten Lava', 'Red Snow', 'Robinson', 'Tina', or 'Wies'. * Boxwood may be moved now; do not plant them deeper than they were previously planted. Trim and fertilize established boxwood before new growth starts, but do not cultivate under boxwood since their roots are shallow and may be damaged. * After pussywillow catkins have passed their prime, prune the plants drastically to encourage long branches and large catkins for next year. * If your outdoor space is limited, consider gardening without a garden. Tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and many other vegetables do well when gr