%A Lars-Henrik Eriksson %T Synthesis of a unification algorithm in a logic programming calculus %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 1 %D June 1984 %P 3-18 %A Ehud Y. Shapiro %T Alternation and the computation complexity of logic programs %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 1 %D June 1984 %P 19-33 %A Cynthia Dwork %A Paris C. Kanellakis %A John C. Mitchell %T On the sequential nature of unification %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 1 %D June 1984 %P 35-50 %A John C. Shepherdson %T Negation as failure: a comparison of Clark's completed data base and Reiter's closed world assumption %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 1 %D June 1984 %P 51-79 %A Michael D. Poe %A Roger Nasr %A Janet Potter %A Janet Slinn %T A KWIC (key word in context) bibliography on Prolog and logic programming %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 1 %D June 1984 %P 81-142 %A M.H. van\ Emden %A J.W. Lloyd %T A logical reconstruction of Prolog II %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 2 %D August 1984 %P 143-149 %A Leon Sterling %T Logical levels of problem solving %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 2 %D August 1984 %P 151-163 %A Laurent Fribourg %T Oriented equational clauses as a programming language %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 2 %D August 1984 %P 165-177 %A Joseph A. Goguen %A Jose Meseguer %T Equality, types, modules and (why not ?) generics for logic programming %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 2 %D August 1984 %P 179-210 %A Joxan Jaffar %A Jean-Louis Lassez %A Michael J. Maher %T A theory of complete logic programs with equality %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 3 %D October 1984 %P 211-223 %A J.W. Lloyd %A R.W. Topor %T Making Prolog more expressive %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 3 %D October 1984 %P 225-240 %A Gyorgy Revesz %T An extension of lambda-calculus for functional programming %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 3 %D October 1984 %P 241-251 %A Francis Giannesini %A Jacques Cohen %T Parser generation and grammar manipulation using Prolog's infinite trees %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 3 %D October 1984 %P 253-265 %A William F. Dowling %A Jean H. Gallier %T Linear-time algorithms for testing the satisfiability of propositional Horn formulae %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 3 %D October 1984 %P 267-284 %A Katsuhiko Nakamura %T Associative concurrent evaluation of logic programs %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 4 %D December 1984 %P 285-295 %A Lee Naish %T Heterogeneous SLD resolution %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 4 %D December 1984 %P 297-303 %A Olga Stepankova %A Petr Stepanek %T Transformations of logic programs %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 4 %D December 1984 %P 305-318 %A D.M. Gabbay %A U. Reyle %T N-Prolog: an extension of Prolog with hypothetical implications I. %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 4 %D December 1984 %P 319-355 %A J.W. Lloyd %A R.W. Topor %T Making Prolog more expressive %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 2 %D 1984 %P 225-240 %K extended programs, extended goals, programming, SLDNF-resolution first-order logic, integrity constraints, deductive database negation as failure, soundness %A Ashkok K. Chandra %A David Harel %T Horn clause queries and generalisation %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 1 %D April 1985 %P 1-15 %A Keith Clark %A Steve Gregory %T Notes on the implementation of parlog %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 1 %D April 1985 %P 17-42 %A C.S. Mellish %T Some global optimisations for a Prolog compiler %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 1 %D April 1985 %P 43-66 %A M.H. van\ Emden %A M.A. Nait Abdallah %T Top-down semantics of fair computations of logic programs %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 1 %D April 1985 %P 67-75 %A Hiroshi Nakagawa %T Prolog program transformations and tree manipulation algorithms %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 2 %D July 1985 %P 77-91 %A J.W. Lloyd %A R.W. Topor %T A basis for deductive database systems %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 2 %D July 1985 %P 93-109 %A Melvin Fitting %T A deterministic Prolog fixpoint semantics %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 2 %D July 1985 %P 111-118 %A Pierre Deransart %A Jan Maluszynski %T Relating logic programs and attribute grammars %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 2 %D July 1985 %P 119-155 %A Van Tu Le %T General failure of logic programs %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 2 %D July 1985 %P 157-165 %A Lee Naish %T Automating control of logic programs %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 3 %D October 1985 %P 167-183 %A John C. Shepherdson %T Negation as failure II %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 3 %D October 1985 %P 185-202 %A Thomas Vasak %A John Potter %T Metalogical control for logic programs %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 3 %D October 1985 %P 203-220 %A Patrizia Asirelli %A Michele de\ Santis %A Maurizio Martelli %T Integrity constraints in logic databases %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 3 %D October 1985 %P 221-232 %A Jack Minker %A Donald Perlis %T Computing protected circumscription %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 4 %D December 1985 %P 235-249 %A D.M. Gabbay %T N-Prolog: an extension of Prolog with hypothetical implication II. logical foundations, and negation as failure %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 4 %D December 1985 %P 251-283 %A Van Tu Le %T Negation-as-failure rule for general logic programs with equality %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 4 %D December 1985 %P 285-294 %A Melvin Fitting %T A Kripke-Kleene semantics for logic programs %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 4 %D December 1985 %P 295-312 %A D.M. Gabbay %A M.J. Sergot %T Negation as inconsistency I %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 1 %D April 1986 %P 1-35 %A M.H. van\ Emden %T Quantitative deduction and its fixpoint theory %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 1 %D April 1986 %P 37-53 %A J.W. Lloyd %A R.W. Topor %T A basis for deductive database systems II %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 1 %D April 1986 %P 55-67 %A Damjan Bojadziev %T A constructive view of Prolog %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 1 %D April 1986 %P 69-74 %A Leon Sterling %A Mike Codish %T Pressing for parallelism: a Prolog program made concurrent %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 1 %D April 1986 %P 75-92 %A Tim Flannagan %T The consistency of negation as failure %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 2 %D July 1986 %P 93-114 %A Joxan Jaffar %A Jean-Louis Lassez %A Michael J. Maher %T Comments on "General failure of logic programs" %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 2 %D July 1986 %P 115-118 %A Rikio Onai %A Hajime Shimizu %A Kanae Masuda %A Moritoshi Aso %T Analysis of sequential Prolog programs %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 2 %D July 1986 %P 119-141 %A Joxan Jaffar %A Peter Stuckey %T Canonical logic programs %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 2 %D July 1986 %P 143-155 %A Lisa Hellerstein %A Ehud Shapiro %T Implementing parallel algorithms in Concurrent Prolog: the MAXFLOW experience %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 2 %D July 1986 %P 157-184 %A Hassan Ait-Kaci %A Roger Nasr %T LOGIN: a logic programming language with built-in inheritance %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 3 %D October 1986 %P 185-215 %A Marco Bellia %A Giorgio Levi %T The relation between logic and functional languages: a survey %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 3 %D October 1986 %P 217-236 %A Lawrence C. Paulson %T Natural deduction as higher-order resolution %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 3 %D October 1986 %P 237-258 %A Sanjai Narain %T A technique for doing lazy evaluation in logic %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 3 %D October 1986 %P 259-276 %A Miguel Filgueiras %T Cooperating rewrite processes for natural-language analysis %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 4 %D December 1986 %P 279-298 %A Lynette Hirschman %T Conjunction in meta-restriction grammar %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 4 %D December 1986 %P 299-328 %A Patrick Saint-Dizier %T An approach to natural-language semantics in logic programming %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 3 %N 4 %D December 1986 %P 329-356 %A Luis Farinas\ del\ Cerro %A Martti Penttonen %T A note on the complexity of the satisfiability of modal Horn clauses %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 1 %D March 1987 %P 1-10 %A Melvin Fitting %T Enumeration operators and modular logic programming %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 1 %D March 1987 %P 11-21 %A Allen van\ Gelder %T Efficient loop detection in Prolog using the tortoise-and-hare technique %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 1 %D March 1987 %P 23-31 %A P.T. Cox %T On determining the causes of nonunifiability %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 1 %D March 1987 %P 33-58 %A W.F. Clocksin %T Logic programming and digital circuit analysis %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 1 %D March 1987 %P 59-82 %A Atsushi Togashi %A Shoichi Noguchi %T A program transformation from equational programs into logic programs %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 2 %D June 1987 %P 85-103 %A A. Itai %A J.A. Makowsky %T Unification as a complexity measure for logic programming %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 2 %D June 1987 %P 105-117 %A Jean H. Gallier %A Stan Raatz %T Hornlog: a graph-based interpreter for general Horn clauses %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 2 %D June 1987 %P 119-155 %A Christopher T. Haynes %T Logic continuations %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 2 %D June 1987 %P 157-176 %A Gerard Ferrand %T Error diagnosis in logic programming, an adaptation of E.Y. Shapiro's method %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 3 %D September 1987 %P 177-198 %A Mehmet Dincbas %A Pascal van\ Hentenryck %T Extended unification algorithms for the integration of functional programming into logic programming %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 3 %D September 1987 %P 199-227 %A Tomasz Imielinski %T Intelligent query answering in rule based systems %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 3 %D September 1987 %P 229-257 %A I. Balbin %A K. Ramamohanarao %T A generalization of the differential approach to recursive query evaluation %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 3 %D September 1987 %P 259-262