%A Walter A. Burkhard %T Partial match retrieval %J BIT %V 16 %N 1 %D 1976 %P 13-31 %A J. Hilden %T Elimination of recursive calls using a small table of "randomly" selected function values %J BIT %V 16 %N 1 %D 1976 %P 6-73 %A Arne Wang %T An axiomatic basis for proving total correctness of goto-programs %J BIT %V 16 %N 1 %D 1976 %P 88-102 %A B.A. Wichmann %T Ackermann's function: a study in the efficiency of calling procedures %J BIT %V 16 %N 1 %D 1976 %P 103-110 %A B.J. Cornelius %A G.H. Kirby %T A programming technique for recursive procedures %J BIT %V 16 %N 2 %D 1976 %P 125-132 %A Terje O. Espelid %T On replacement selection and Dinsmore's improvement %J BIT %V 16 %N 2 %D 1976 %P 133-142 %A Jayme L. Szwarcfiter %A Peter E. Lauer %T A search strategy for the elementary cycles of a directed graph %J BIT %V 16 %N 2 %D 1976 %P 192-204 %A J.A. Campbell %A J.G. Kent %A R.J. Moore %T Experiments with a symbolic programming system for complex analysis %J BIT %V 16 %N 3 %D 1976 %P 241-256 %A Ake Hansson %A Sten-Ake Tarnlund %T Zig-zag procedures for memory allocation and retrieval of dense equilateral arrays of dynamically varyig order %J BIT %V 16 %N 3 %D 1976 %P 269-274 %A Donald B. Johnson %A Ravi Sethi %T A characterization of LL(1) grammars %J BIT %V 16 %N 3 %D 1976 %P 275-280 %A Arne Wang %T A case study in program transformation %J BIT %V 16 %N 3 %D 1976 %P 322-331 %A L.B. Wilson %T Sequence search trees: their analysis using recurrence relations %J BIT %V 16 %N 3 %D 1976 %P 332-337 %A Bruce Knobe %A Gideon Yuval %T Compilers should indent %J BIT %V 16 %N 3 %D 1976 %P 340-343 %A Harry T. Hsu %T A note on weighted buddy systems for dynamic storage allocation %J BIT %V 16 %N 4 %D 1976 %P 378-382 %A Sven Tafvelin %T The time dependent behaviour of high speed sequential files on cycling storage %J BIT %V 16 %N 4 %D 1976 %P 400-415 %A Lars-Erik Thorelli %T A fast compactifying garbage collector %J BIT %V 16 %N 4 %D 1976 %P 426-441 %A David S. Wise %A Dan C. Watson %T Tuning Garwick's algorithm for repacking sequential storage %J BIT %V 16 %N 4 %D 1976 %P 442-450 %A D.M. Choy %A C.K. Wong %T Bounds for optimal alpha-beta binary trees %J BIT %V 17 %N 1 %D 1977 %P 1-15 %A N. Deo %A J.M. Davis %A R.E. Lord %T A new algorithm for digraph isomorphism %J BIT %V 17 %N 1 %D 1977 %P 16-30 %A C. Bays %A R.H. Hudson %T The segmented sieve of Erathosthenes and primes in arithmetic progressions to 10^12 %J BIT %V 17 %N 2 %D 1977 %P 121-127 %A S.-A. Tarnlund %T Horn clause computability %J BIT %V 17 %N 2 %D 1977 %P 215-226 %A S. Weintraub %T Primes in arithmetic progression %J BIT %V 17 %N 2 %D 1977 %P 239-243 %A D.S. Wise %A D.P. Friedman %T The one-bit reference count %J BIT %V 17 %N 3 %D 1977 %P 351-359 %A R.D. Tennent %T A note on files in Pascal %J BIT %V 17 %N 3 %D 1977 %P 362-366 %A J. Sajaniemi %T Some difficulties with abstract and concrete syntax %J BIT %V 17 %N 4 %D 1977 %P 451-457 %A T. Anderson %A R.W. Witty %T Safe programming %J BIT %V 18 %N 1 %D 1978 %P 1-8 %A E.G. Coffman,\ Jr. %A D.B. Johnson %A J.Y.-T. Leung %T An efficient algorithm for allocating paged, drum-like storage %J BIT %V 18 %N 1 %D 1978 %P 52-66 %A S. Gjessing %T Compile time preparations for run time scheduling in monitors %J BIT %V 18 %N 1 %D 1978 %P 72-83 %A T. Klove %T Two non-closure results on families of L-languages %J BIT %V 18 %N 1 %D 1978 %P 109-110 %A P.M.G. Apers %T Recursive samplesort %J BIT %V 18 %N 2 %D 1978 %P 125-132 %A P.-A. Larson %T Dynamic hashing %J BIT %V 18 %N 2 %D 1978 %P 184-201 %A P.W. Purdom %T Automatic program indentation %J BIT %V 18 %N 2 %D 1978 %P 211-218 %A D. Wood %T A compariuson of two methods of encoding arrays %J BIT %V 18 %N 2 %D 1978 %P 219-229 %A J. Georges %A F. Heymans %T On compound statements in a conversational language %J BIT %V 18 %N 2 %D 1978 %P 230-232 %A S. Arnborg %T Analysis of non-deterministic drum scheduling %J BIT %V 18 %N 3 %D 1978 %P 259-264 %A O. Nevalainen %A J. Teuhola %T The efficiency of two indexed priority queue algorithms %J BIT %V 18 %N 3 %D 1978 %P 320-333 %A G. Pacini %A M. Simi %T Testing equality in Lisp-like environments %J BIT %V 18 %N 3 %D 1978 %P 334-341 %A P. Revay %T Evaluation of a system design model %J BIT %V 18 %N 3 %D 1978 %P 348-361 %A H.P. Kriegel %A V.K. Vasihnavi %A D. Wood %T 2-3 brother trees %J BIT %V 18 %N 4 %D 1978 %P 425-435 %A S. Krogdahl %T Verification of a class of link-level protocols %J BIT %V 18 %N 4 %D 1978 %P 436-448 %A Z.L. Lichtman %T Source program optimization with a generalized for statement %J BIT %V 18 %N 4 %D 1978 %P 449-453 %A T. Herlestam %T Critical remarks on some public-key cryptosystems %J BIT %V 18 %N 4 %D 1978 %P 493-496 %A A. Nijholt %T Grammar functors and covers: from non-left-recursive to Greibach normal form grammars %J BIT %V 19 %N 1 %D 1979 %P 73-78 %A E. Hisdal %T Quantitative measure of the amount of information acquired in a learning process %J BIT %V 19 %N 2 %D 1979 %P 196-203 %A P.-A. Larson %T Frequency loading and linear probing %J BIT %V 19 %N 2 %D 1979 %P 223-228 %A B. Sanden %T Verification of a program complex %J BIT %V 19 %N 2 %D 1979 %P 244-255 %A R.L. Rivest %T Critical remarks on "Critical remarks on some public-key cryptosystems" By Tore Herlestam %J BIT %V 19 %N 2 %D 1979 %P 274-275 %A A. Yuhudai %T A new definition for simple precedence grammars %J BIT %V 19 %N 2 %D 1979 %P 282-284 %A R. Devillers %A G. Liuchard %T Hashing techniques: a global approach %J BIT %V 19 %N 3 %D 1979 %P 302-311 %A G. Finn %A E. Horowitz %T A linear approximation algorithm for multiprocessor scheduling %J BIT %V 19 %N 3 %D 1979 %P 312-320 %A S. Giessing %T Monitors with associated processors %J BIT %V 19 %N 3 %D 1979 %P 334-346 %A J. Ernvall %A O. Nevalainen %T Compact storage schemes for formatted files by spanning trees %J BIT %V 19 %N 4 %D 1979 %P 463-475 %A A. Wikstrom %T Optimal search trees and length restricted codes %J BIT %V 19 %N 4 %D 1979 %P 518-524 %A H.C. Williams %A B. Schmid %T Some remarks concerning the MIT public-key cryptosystem %J BIT %V 19 %N 4 %D 1979 %P 525-538 %A J.M. Pollard %T On not storing the path of a random walk %J BIT %V 19 %N 4 %D 1979 %P 545-548 %A Selim G. Akl %T A new algorithm for generating derangements %J BIT %V 20 %N 1 %D 1980 %P 2-7 %A W.M. Chan %A Alan George %T A linear time implementation of the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm %J BIT %V 20 %N 1 %D 1980 %P 8-14 %A Pertti Jarvinen %T On structuring problems of job design met in the development and maintenance of information systems %J BIT %V 20 %N 1 %D 1980 %P 15-24 %A Per-Ake Larson %T Analysis of repeated hashing %J BIT %V 20 %N 1 %D 1980 %P 25-32 %K recursive %A Hannu Erkio %T A heuristic approximation of the worst case of shellsort %J BIT %V 20 %N 2 %D 1980 %P 130-136 %A Stein Gjessing %T Monitors with arrays of condition variables and proof rules handling local quantities %J BIT %V 20 %N 2 %D 1980 %P 137-144 %A Juha Hakola %A Ari Heiskanen %T On the distribution of wasted space at the end of file blocks %J BIT %V 20 %N 2 %D 1980 %P 145-156 %A R. Kemp %T A note on the stack size of regularly distributed binary trees %J BIT %V 20 %N 2 %D 1980 %P 157-163 %A Jerker Wilander %T An interactive programming system for Pascal %J BIT %V 20 %N 2 %D 1980 %P 164-174 %K Pathcal %A Stefan Arnborg %T A simle query language based on set algebra %J BIT %V 20 %N 3 %D 1980 %P 266-278 %A D. Julian M. Davies %T The fifty percent rule revisited %J BIT %V 20 %N 3 %D 1980 %P 279-288 %A P.W. Hemker %T On the structure of an adaptive multi-level algorithm %J BIT %V 20 %N 3 %D 1980 %P 289-301 %A Th. Ottman %A W. Stucky %T Higher order analysis of random 1-2 brother trees %J BIT %V 20 %N 3 %D 1980 %P 302-314 %A Anker Helms Jorgensen %T A methodology for measuring the readability and modifyability of computer programs %J BIT %V 20 %N 4 %D 1980 %P 394-405 %A J.W. Lloyd %T Optimal martial-match retrieval %J BIT %V 20 %N 4 %D 1980 %P 406-413 %A Peter Naur %T Impressions of the early days of programming %J BIT %V 20 %N 4 %D 1980 %P 414-425 %A H.-W. Six %A D. Wood %T The rectangle intersection problem revisited %J BIT %V 20 %N 4 %D 1980 %P 426-433 %A Dan Stromberg %A Peter Friztson %T Transfer of programs from development to runtime environments %J BIT %V 20 %N 4 %D 1980 %P 434-442 %A Hannu Erkio %T Sppeding sort algorithms by special instructions %J BIT %V 21 %N 1 %D 1981 %P 2-19 %A Stephen Y. Itoga %T The string merging problem %J BIT %V 21 %N 1 %D 1981 %P 20-30 %A Donald E. Knuth %T Verification of link-level protocols %J BIT %V 21 %N 1 %D 1981 %P 31-36 %A Bengt Lundberg %T On consistency of information models %J BIT %V 21 %N 1 %D 1981 %P 37-45 %A O. Nevalainen %A J. Ernvall %A J. Katajainen %T Finding minimal spanning trees in a Euclidean coordinate space %J BIT %V 21 %N 1 %D 1981 %P 46-54 %A Harvey K. Brock %A Barbara J. Brooks %A Francis Sullivan %T Diamond: a sorting method for vector machines %J BIT %V 21 %N 2 %D 1981 %P 142-152 %A T.I. Fenner %A G. Loizou %T A note on traversal algorithms for triply linked binary trees %J BIT %V 21 %N 2 %D 1981 %P 155-156 %A Jun Kue Wong %T Some simple in-place merging algorithms %J BIT %V 21 %N 2 %D 1981 %P 157-166 %A Ph. Darondeau %A P. le\ Guernic %A M. Raynal %T Types in a mixed language system %J BIT %V 21 %N 3 %D 1981 %P 246-254 %A Ernst-Erich Doberkat %T Inserting a new element into a heap %J BIT %V 21 %N 3 %D 1981 %P 255-269 %A Bent Bruun Kristensen %A Ole Lehrmann Madsen %T Diagnostics on LALR(k) conflicts based on a method for LR(k) testing %J BIT %V 21 %N 3 %D 1981 %P 270-293 %A C.M. Lam %A K.T. Fung %T A quadratic programming model for optimal data distribution %J BIT %V 21 %N 3 %D 1981 %P 294-304 %A Renzo Sprugnoli %T On the allocation of binary trees to secondary storage %J BIT %V 21 %N 3 %D 1981 %P 305-316 %A James K. Mullin %T Tighly controlled linear hashing without separate overflow storage %J BIT %V 21 %N 4 %D 1981 %P 390-400 %A Mohamed Ouksel %A Peter Scheuermann %T Multidimensional B-trees: analysis of dynamic behavior %J BIT %V 21 %N 4 %D 1981 %P 401-418 %A Markku Tamminen %T Order preserving extendible hashing and bucket tries %J BIT %V 21 %N 4 %D 1981 %P 419-435 %A Peter J.L. Wallis %T Some primitives for the portable PG of array and vector processors %J BIT %V 21 %N 4 %D 1981 %P 436-448 %A Dashing Yeh %T Improved planarity algorithms %J BIT %V 22 %N 1 %D 1982 %P 2-16 %A Jainendra Navlakha %T A new proof procedure to establish equivalence of the original and the generalized lambda-free CFG with linear increase in size %J BIT %V 22 %N 1 %D 1982 %P 17-26 %A Markku Tamminen %T The extendible cell method for closest point problems %J BIT %V 22 %N 1 %D 1982 %P 26-41 %A Rodney W. Topor %T Fundamental solutions of the eight queens problem %J BIT %V 22 %N 1 %D 1982 %P 42-52 %A Selim G. Akl %T A constant-time parallel algorithm for computing convex hulls %J BIT %V 22 %N 2 %D 1982 %P 130-134 %A D.C.S. Allison %A M.T. Noga %T Usort: an efficient hybrid of distributive partitioning sort %J BIT %V 22 %N 2 %D 1982 %P 135-139 %A Robert W. Gunderson %T Choosing the r-simension for the FCV family of clustering algorithms %J BIT %V 22 %N 2 %D 1982 %P 140-149 %A John W. Lloyd %A K. Ramamohanarao %T Partial-match retrieval for dynamic files %J BIT %V 22 %N 2 %D 1982 %P 150-168 %A Mary Lou Soffa %T Control discipline necessary: making the language as general as the implementation %J BIT %V 22 %N 2 %D 1982 %P 169-182 %A H. Edelsbrunner %A M.A. Maurer %A F.P. Preparata %A A.L. Rosenberg %A E. Welzl %A D. Wood %T Stabbing line segments %J BIT %V 22 %N 3 %D 1982 %P 274-281 %A Michael A. Langston %T Improved 0/1-interchange scheduling %J BIT %V 22 %N 3 %D 1982 %P 282-290 %A Bengt Lundberg %T An axiomatization of events %J BIT %V 22 %N 3 %D 1982 %P 291-299 %A A. Perko %T On the path representation of networks %J BIT %V 22 %N 3 %D 1982 %P 300-302 %A Eljas Soisalon-Soininen %T Translations on a subclass of LR(k) grammars %J BIT %V 22 %N 3 %D 1982 %P 303-312 %K predictive PLR %A Bjorn Kirkerud %T Completeness of Hoare-calculi revisited %J BIT %V 22 %N 4 %D 1982 %P 402-418 %A Mats Lofgren %A Boris Magnusson %T Access mechanisms in block structured environments %J BIT %V 22 %N 4 %D 1982 %P 419-436 %A Peter Naur %T Formalization in program development %J BIT %V 22 %N 4 %D 1982 %P 437-453 %A Mai Thanh %A T.D. Bui %T An improvement of the binary merge algorithm %J BIT %V 22 %N 4 %D 1982 %P 454-462 %A Jyrki Katajainen %T On the worst case of a minimal spanning tree algorithm for Euclidean space %J BIT %V 23 %N 1 %D 1983 %P 2-8 %A Peter Kornerup %A R.T. Gregory %T Mapping integers and Hensel code onto Farey fractions %J BIT %V 23 %N 1 %D 1983 %P 9-20 %A Franco Turini %T Abstractions of control environments %J BIT %V 23 %N 1 %D 1983 %P 21-35 %K Magma2 %A Dashing Yeh %T On incremental shift-reduce parsing %J BIT %V 23 %N 1 %D 1983 %P 36-48 %A Gunner Helweg Johansen %A Chr. Gram %T A simple algorithm for building the 3-D convex hull %J BIT %V 23 %N 2 %D 1983 %P 146-160 %A Steohen Y. Itoga %T A probabilistic version of the stable marriage problem %J BIT %V 23 %N 2 %D 1983 %P 161-169 %A J.A. Orenstein %A T.H. Merrett %A L. Devroye %T Linear sorting with O(log n) processors %J BIT %V 23 %N 2 %D 1983 %P 170-180 %A Esko Ukkonen %T Exponential lower bounds for some Concurrent Prolog-complete problems in a restricted linear decision tree model %J BIT %V 23 %N 2 %D 1983 %P 181-192 %A Walter A. Burkhard %T Interpolation-based index maintenance %J BIT %V 23 %N 3 %D 1983 %P 274-294 %A M.C. Er %T An iterative solution to the generalized towers of Hanoi problem %J BIT %V 23 %N 3 %D 1983 %P 295-302 %A H. Legend Larsen %T Generalized double modulus 11 check digit error detection %J BIT %V 23 %N 3 %D 1983 %P 303-307 %A Dashing Yeh %T On incremental evaluation of ordered attributed grammars %J BIT %V 23 %N 3 %D 1983 %P 308-320 %A V.S. Alagar %A T.D. Bui %A Mai Thanh %T Efficient algorithms for merging %J BIT %V 23 %N 4 %D 1983 %P 410-428 %A M.C. Er %T An analysis of the generalized towers of Hanoi problem %J BIT %V 23 %N 4 %D 1983 %P 429-435 %A Shou-Hsuan Stephen Huang %A C.K. Wong %T Binary search trees with limited rotation %J BIT %V 23 %N 4 %D 1983 %P 436-455 %A T.M. Nicholl %A D.T. Lee %A Y.Z. Liao %A C.K. Wong %T On the X-Y convex hull of a set of X-Y polygons %J BIT %V 23 %N 4 %D 1983 %P 456-471 %A Vasudevan Raman %A S. Sitharama Iyengar %T Properties and applications of forests of quadtrees for pictorial data representation %J BIT %V 23 %N 4 %D 1983 %P 472-486 %A D.C.S. Allison %A M.T. Noga %T Some performance tests of convex hull algorithms %J BIT %V 24 %N 1 %D 1984 %P 2-13 %A Svante Carlsson %T Improving worst-case behaviour of heaps %J BIT %V 24 %N 1 %D 1984 %P 14-18 %A J. Ernvall %A O. Nevalainen %T Estimating the lenght of minimal spanning trees in compression of files %J BIT %V 24 %N 1 %D 1984 %P 19-32 %A T.I. Fenner %A G. Loizou %T Loop-free algorithms for traversing binary trees %J BIT %V 24 %N 1 %D 1984 %P 33-44 %A W.J. Hsu %A M.W. Du %T Computing a longest common subsequence for a set of strings %J BIT %V 24 %N 1 %D 1984 %P 45-59 %A J.P. Malmquist %A E.L. Robertson %T On the complexity of partitioning sparse matrix representations %J BIT %V 24 %N 1 %D 1984 %P 60-68 %A Ratan K. Ghosh %A G.P. Bhattacharjee %T A parallel search algorithm for directed acyclic graphs %J BIT %V 24 %N 2 %D 1984 %P 134-150 %A Arne Maus %T Delaunay triangulation and the convex hull of points in expected linear time %J BIT %V 24 %N 2 %D 1984 %P 151-163 %A Erkki Makinen %T On context-free and Szilard languages %J BIT %V 24 %N 2 %D 1984 %P 164-170 %A Timo Niemi %T Specification of a query language by the attribute method %J BIT %V 24 %N 2 %D 1984 %P 171-186 %A S.S. Tseng %A R.C.T. Lee %T A new parallel sorting algorithm based upon min-mid-max operations %J BIT %V 24 %N 2 %D 1984 %P 187-195 %A Shmuel Zaks %T A new algorithm for generation of permutations %J BIT %V 24 %N 2 %D 1984 %P 196-204 %A Mee Yee Chan %T Multidisk file design: an analysis of folding buckets to disks %J BIT %V 24 %N 3 %D 1984 %P 262-268 %A R.C. Chang %A R.C.T. Lee %T On the average lenght of Delaunay triangulations %J BIT %V 24 %N 3 %D 1984 %P 269-273 %A P. Gupta %A G.P. Bhattacharjee %T A parallel selection algorithm %J BIT %V 24 %N 3 %D 1984 %P 274-287 %A Bengt Nordstrom %A Jan Smith %T Propositions and specifications of programs in Martin-Lof's type theory %J BIT %V 24 %N 3 %D 1984 %P 288-301 %A G.M. Prabhu %A Narsingh Deo %T On the power of a perturbation for testing non-isomorphism of graphs %J BIT %V 24 %N 3 %D 1984 %P 302-307 %A S.S. Tseung %A R.C.T. Lee %T A parallel algorithm to solve the stable marriage problem %J BIT %V 24 %N 3 %D 1984 %P 308-316 %A Aimo A. Torn %T Hashing with overflow indexing %J BIT %V 24 %N 3 %D 1984 %P 317-332 %A D.Y. Yeh %A D.T. Lee %T Graph algorithms on a tree-structured parallel computer %J BIT %V 24 %N 3 %D 1984 %P 333-340 %A Stefan Arnborg %T Efficient algorithms for combinatorial problems on graphs with bounded decomposability - a survey %J BIT %V 25 %N 1 %D 1985 %P 2-23 %A Ole Immanuel Franksen %T The nature of data - from measurements to systems %J BIT %V 25 %N 1 %D 1985 %P 24-50 %A Rolf Nossum %T Automated theorem proving methods %J BIT %V 25 %N 1 %D 1985 %P 51-64 %A Martti Tienari %T Computer networking of Nordic universities %J BIT %V 25 %N 1 %D 1985 %P 65-69 %A T.D. Bui %A Mai Thanh %T Significant improvements to the Ford-Johnson algorithm for sorting %J BIT %V 25 %N 1 %D 1985 %P 70-75 %A Bernard Chazelle %A Leo J. Guibas %A D.T. Lee %T The power of geometric duality %J BIT %V 25 %N 1 %D 1985 %P 76-90 %A Ole-Olu A. Duani %T A language=driven generalized numerical database translator %J BIT %V 25 %N 1 %D 1985 %P 91-105 %A D.J. Evans %A Nadia Y. Yousif %T Analysis of the performance of the parallel quicksort method %J BIT %V 25 %N 1 %D 1985 %P 106-112 %A Philippe Flajolet %T Approximate counting: a detailed analysis %J BIT %V 25 %N 1 %D 1985 %P 113-134 %A Markku Tamminen %T On search by address computation %J BIT %V 25 %N 1 %D 1985 %P 135-147 %A W.P. Yang %A M.W. Du %T A backtracking method for constructing perfect hash functions from a set of mapping functions %J BIT %V 25 %N 1 %D 1985 %P 148-164 %A Ivan E. Auger %A M.S. Krishnamoorthy %T A parallel algorithm for the monadic unification problem %J BIT %V 25 %N 2 %D 1985 %P 302-306 %A N.D. Francis %A D.I. Fleming %T Optimum allocation of places to students in a national university system %J BIT %V 25 %N 2 %D 1985 %P 307-317 %A Stein Krogdahl %T Multiple inheritance in Simula-like languages %J BIT %V 25 %N 2 %D 1985 %P 318-326 %A Alberto Pettorossi %T Towers of Hanoi problems: deriving iterative solutions by program transformations %J BIT %V 25 %N 2 %D 1985 %P 327-334 %A Mireiile Regnier %T Analysis of grid file algorithms %J BIT %V 25 %N 2 %D 1985 %P 335-357 %A Lars-Erik Thorelli %T A language for linking modules into systems %J BIT %V 25 %N 2 %D 1985 %P 358-378 %A T.I. Fenner %A A.M. Frieze %T An algorithm for finding a matroid basis which maximizes the product of the weights of the elements %J BIT %V 25 %N 3 %D 1985 %P 434-438 %A Kai Koskimies %T A note on one-pass evaluation of attribute grammars %J BIT %V 25 %N 3 %D 1985 %P 439-450 %A M.T. Noga %A D.C.S. Allison %T Sorting in linear expected time %J BIT %V 25 %N 3 %D 1985 %P 451-465 %A Otto Nurmi %T A fast line-sweep algorithm for hidden line elimination %J BIT %V 25 %N 3 %D 1985 %P 466-472 %A Michael J. Quinn %T A note on two parallel algorithms to solve the stable marriage problem %J BIT %V 25 %N 3 %D 1985 %P 473-476 %A K. Ramamohanarao %A R. Sacks-Davis %T Partial match retrieval using recursive linear hashing %J BIT %V 25 %N 3 %D 1985 %P 477-484 %A Pawel Winter %T Generalized Steiner problem in outerplanar networks %J BIT %V 25 %N 3 %D 1985 %P 485-496 %A A.C. Armenakis %A L.E. Garey %A R.D. Gupta %T An adaptation of a root finding method to searching ordered disk files %J BIT %V 25 %N 4 %D 1985 %P 562-568 %A Klaus Hinrichs %T Implementation of the grid file: design concepts and experience %J BIT %V 25 %N 4 %D 1985 %P 569-592 %A Matti Jakobsson %T Compression of character strings by an adaptive dictionary %J BIT %V 25 %N 4 %D 1985 %P 593-603 %A Erkki Makinen %T On permutative grammars generating context-free languages %J BIT %V 25 %N 4 %D 1985 %P 604-610 %A Martti Penttonen %A Jyrki Katajainen %T Notes on the complexity of sorting in abstract machines %J BIT %V 25 %N 4 %D 1985 %P 611-622 %A Becky Chan %A Selim G. Akl %T Generating combinations in parallel %J BIT %V 26 %N 1 %D 1986 %P 2-6 %A R.C. Chang %A R.C.T. Lee %T An O(N log N) minimal spanning tree algorithm for N points in the plane %J BIT %V 26 %N 1 %D 1986 %P 7-16 %A G. Louchard %T Brownian motion and algorithm complexity %J BIT %V 26 %N 1 %D 1986 %P 17-34 %A Michael J. Quinn %A Narsingh Deo %T An upper bound for the speedup of parallel best-bound branch-and-bound algorithms %J BIT %V 26 %N 1 %D 1986 %P 35-43 %A Pawel Winter %T An algorithm for the generation of spanning trees %J BIT %V 26 %N 1 %D 1986 %P 44-62 %A H.C. Du %T Disk allocation methods for binary cartesian product files %J BIT %V 26 %N 2 %D 1986 %P 138-147 %A Anders Edenbrandt %T Quotient tree partitioning of undirected graphs %J BIT %V 26 %N 2 %D 1986 %P 148-155 %A Jeffrey H. Kingston %T The amortized complexity of Henriksen's algorithm %J BIT %V 26 %N 2 %D 1986 %P 156-163 %A Sigurd Meldal %T An axiomatic semantics for nested concurrency %J BIT %V 26 %N 2 %D 1986 %P 164-174 %A Peter Naur %T Thinking and Turing's test %J BIT %V 26 %N 2 %D 1986 %P 175-187 %A Heikki Saikkonen %A Stefan Ronn %T Distributed termination on a ring %J BIT %V 26 %N 2 %D 1986 %P 188-194 %A Y. Zhang %T A note on parallel depth first search %J BIT %V 26 %N 2 %D 1986 %P 195-198 %A Alfs Bertziss %T A taxonomy of binary tree traversals %J BIT %V 26 %N 3 %D 1986 %P 266-276 %A G.H. Chen %A Maw-Sheng Chern %T Parallel generation of permutations and combinations %J BIT %V 26 %N 3 %D 1986 %P 277-283 %A Jakob Krarup %A Peter Pruzan %T Assessment of approximate algorithms: the error measure's crucial role %J BIT %V 26 %N 3 %D 1986 %P 284-294 %A Sigurd Meldal %T Partial correctness of exits from concurrent structures %J BIT %V 26 %N 3 %D 1986 %P 295-302 %A Robert Schreiber %T On systolic array methods for band matrix factorizations %J BIT %V 26 %N 3 %D 1986 %P 303-316 %A Keith Brinck %T Computing parent nodes in threaded binary trees %J BIT %V 26 %N 4 %D 1986 %P 402-409 %A C.C. Chang %T On the design of a key-lock-pair mechanism in information protection systems %J BIT %V 26 %N 4 %D 1986 %P 410-417 %A Pranay Chaudhuri %A Ratan K. Ghosh %T Parallel algorithms for analyzing activity networks %J BIT %V 26 %N 4 %D 1986 %P 418-429 %A W. Randolph Franklin %A Varol Akman %T Reconstructing visible regions from visible segments %J BIT %V 26 %N 4 %D 1986 %P 430-441 %A Shou-Hsuan Stephen Huang %T Ordered priority queues %J BIT %V 26 %N 4 %D 1986 %P 442-450 %A Robert Schreiber %A Wei-Pai Tang %T On systolic arrays for updating the Cholesky factorization %J BIT %V 26 %N 4 %D 1986 %P 451-466 %A D. Yun Yeh %T A dynamic programming approach to the complete set partitioning problem %J BIT %V 26 %N 4 %D 1986 %P 467-474 %A Svante Carlsson %T Average-case results on heapsort %J BIT %V 27 %N 1 %D 1987 %P 2-17 %A Rade Doroslovacki %A Ivan Stojmenovic %A Batko Tosic %T Generating and counting triangular systems %J BIT %V 27 %N 1 %D 1987 %P 18-24 %A J. van\ Leeuwen %A J. Wiedermann %T Array processing machines: an abstract model %J BIT %V 27 %N 1 %D 1987 %P 25-43 %A Lutz M. Wegner %T A generalized, one-way, stackless quicksort %J BIT %V 27 %N 1 %D 1987 %P 44-48 %A H.A. Burgdorff %A S. Jajodia %A F.N. Springstell %A Y. Zalcstein %T Alternative methods for the reconstruction of trees from their traversals %J BIT %V 27 %N 2 %D 1987 %P 134-140 %A G.H. Chen %A M.-S. Chern %A R.C.T. Lee %T A new systolic architecture for convex hull and half-plane intersection problems %J BIT %V 27 %N 2 %D 1987 %P 141-147 %A D.K. Friesen %A M.A. Langston %T Bin packing: on optimizing the number of pieced packed %J BIT %V 27 %N 2 %D 1987 %P 148-156 %A G. Loizou %A P. Thanisch %T On finding a worst-case optimal fourth normal form database decomposition %J BIT %V 27 %N 2 %D 1987 %P 157-162 %A E. Maniken %T Left distance binary tree representations %J BIT %V 27 %N 2 %D 1987 %P 163-169 %A S. Pawagu %T Maximum weight independent set in trees %J BIT %V 27 %N 2 %D 1987 %P 170-180