%A H.I. Scoins %T Linear grapsh and trees %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 3-15 %K abstract foundations %A D.C. Cooper %T Mathematical proofs about computer programs %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 17-28 %K abstract foundations %A R.J. Popplestone %T Beth-tree methods in automatic theorem-proving %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 31-46 %K theorem proving %A D. Luckham %T The resolution principle in theorem-proving %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 47-61 %K theorem proving %A R.M. Burstall %T Tree-searching methods with an application to a network design problem %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 65-85 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A E.W. Elcock %A A.M. Murray %T Experiments with a learning component in a go-moku playing program %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 87-103 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A J. Doran %T An approach to automatic problem-solving %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 105-123 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A P.D.A. Schofield %T Complete solution of the eight-puzzle %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 125-133 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A D. Michie %T Strategy-building with the Graph Traverser %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 135-152 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A G.R. Kiss %T Networks as models of word storage %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 155-167 %K cognitive processes: methods and models %A R.L. Gregory %T Will seeing machines have illusions ? %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 169-177 %K cognitive processes: methods and models %A M.B. Clowes %T Perception, picture processing and computers %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 181-197 %K pattern recognition %A D.R. Hill %T Automatic speech recognition: a problem for machine intelligence %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 199-226 %K pattern recognition %A R.A. Brooker %A J.S. Rohl %T Simply partitioned data structures: the compiler-compiler re-examined %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 229-239 %K problem-oriented languages %A R.B.E. Napper %T The third-order compiler: a context for free man-machine communication %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 241-255 %K problem-oriented languages %A G.F. Coulouris %T Principles for implementing useful subsets of advanced programming languages %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 257-266 %K problem-oriented languages %A J.M. Foster %T Interrogation languages %B Machine Intelligence 1 %E N.L. Collins %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1967 %K machint mi1 %P 267-276 %K problem-oriented languages %A R.M. Burstall %T Semantics by assignment %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 3-20 %K abstract foundations %A D.C. Cooper %T Some transformations and standard forms of graphs, with applications to computer programs %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 21-32 %K abstract foundations %A D.B. Vigor %T Data representation - the key to conceptualisation %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 33-44 %K abstract foundations %A L.I. Hodgson %T An approach to analytic integration using ordered algebraic expressions %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 47-56 %K mechanised mathematics %A J.L. Darlington %T Some theorem-proving strategies based on the resolution principle %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 57-71 %K mechanised mathematics %A A.M. Murray %A E.W. Elcock %T Automatic description and recognition of board patterns in go-moku %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 75-88 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A I.J. Good %T A five-year plan for automatic chess %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 89-118 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A J. Doran %T New developments of the Graph Traverser %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 119-135 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A D. Michie %A R.A. Chambers %T BOXES: an experiment in adaptive control %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 137-152 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A J.S. Collins %T A regression analysis program incorporating heuristic term selection %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 153-170 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A P. Bratley %A D.J. Dakin %T A limited dictionary for syntactic analysis %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 173-181 %K cognitive processes: methods and models %A R.J. Popplestone %T POP-1: an online language %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 185-194 %K problem-oriented languages %A J.M. Foster %T Self-improvement in query languages %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 195-203 %K problem-oriented languages %A R.M. Burstall %A R.J. Popplestone %T POP-2 reference manual %B Machine Intelligence 2 %E Ella Dale %E Donald Michie %I Oliver and Boyd %D 1968 %K machint mi2 %P 205-249 %K problem-oriented languages %A J. Laski %T The morphology of prex - an essay in meta-algorithmics %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 3-18 %K mathematical foundations %A M.S. Paterson %T Program schemata %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 19-31 %K mathematical foundations %A J.J. Florentin %T Language definition and compiler validation %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 33-41 %K mathematical foundations %A H.I. Scoins %T Placing trees in lexicographic order %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 43-60 %K mathematical foundations %A B. Meltzer %T A new look at mathematics and its mechanization %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 63-70 %K theorem proving %A B. Meltzer %T Some notes on resolution strategies %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 71-75 %K theorem proving %A J.A. Robinson %T The generalized resolution principle %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 77-93 %K theorem proving %A D. Luckham %T Some tree-parsing strategies for theorem-proving %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 95-112 %K theorem proving %A J.L. Darlington %T Automatic theorem proving with equality substitutions and mathematical induction %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 113-127 %K theorem proving %A S. Amarel %T On representations of problems of reasoning about actions %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 131-171 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A E.W. Elcock %T Descriptions %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 173-179 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A A.G. Bell %T Kalah on Atlas %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 181-193 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A J.E. Doran %T Experiments with a pleasure-seeking automaton %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 195-216 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A V.I. Varshavsky %T Collective behaviour and control problems %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 217-242 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A D. Michie %A J.G. Fleming %A J.V. Oldfield %T A comparison of heuristic, interactive, and unaided methods of solving the shortest-route problem %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 245-255 %K man-machine interaction %A A.H. Bond %T Interactive programming at Carnegie Tech %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 257-267 %K man-machine interaction %A M.H.J. Baylis %T Maintenance of large computer systems - the engineer's assistant %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 269-278 %K man-machine interaction %A J.P. Thorne %A P. Bratley %A H. Dewar %T The syntactic analysis of English by machine %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 281-309 %K cognitive processes: methods and models %A H.C. Longuet-Higgins %A A. Ortony %T The adaptive memorization of sequences %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 311-322 %K cognitive processes: methods and models %A C.J. Hilditch %T An application of graph theory in pattern recognition %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 325-347 %K pattern recognition %A D. Park %T Some semantics for data structures %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 351-371 %K problem-oriented languages %A R.M. Burstall %T Writing search algorithms in functional form %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 373-385 %K problem-oriented languages %A J.M. Foster %T Assertions: programs written without specifying unnecessary order %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 387-391 %K problem-oriented languages %A R.J. Popplestone %T The design philosophy of POP-2 %B Machine Intelligence 3 %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1968 %K machint mi3 %P 393-402 %K problem-oriented languages %A D.C. Cooper %T Program scheme equivalences and second-order logic %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 3-15 %K mathematical foundation %A R.M. Burstall %A P.J. Landin %T Programs and their proofs: an algebraic approach %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 17-43 %K mathematical foundation %A C.R. Snow %A H.I. Scoins %T Towards the unique decomposition of graphs %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 45-55 %K mathematical foundation %A D. Prawitz %T Advances and problems in mechanical proof procedures %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 59-71 %K theorem proving %A D.W. Loveland %T Theorem-provers combining model elimination and resolution %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 73-86 %K theorem proving %A R. Kowalski %A P.J. Hayes %T Semantic trees in automatic theorem-proving %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 87-101 %K theorem proving %A E.E. Sibert %T A machine-oriented logic incorporating the equality relation %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 103-133 %K theorem proving %A G. Robinson %A L. Wos %T Paramodulation and theorem-proving in first-order theories with equality %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 135-150 %K theorem proving %A J.A. Robinson %T Mechanizing higher-order logic %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 151-170 %K theorem proving %A J.L. Darlington %T Theorem proving and information retrieval %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 173-181 %K deductive information retrieval %A C. Cordell Green %T Theorem-proving by resolution as a basis for question-answering systems %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 183-205 %K deductive information retrieval %A B. Buchanan %A G. Sutherland %A E.A. Feigenbaum %T Heuristic dendral: a program for generating explanatory hypotheses in organic chemistry %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 209-254 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A J.J. Scott %T A chess-playing program %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 255-265 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A I.J. Good %T Analysis of the machine chess game J. Scott (white), ICL-1900 versus R.D. Greenblatt, PDP-10 %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 267-269 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A D.B. Vigor %A D. Urquhart %A A. Wilkinson %T PROSE - Parsing Recogniser Outputting Sentences in English %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 271-284 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A V.I. Varshavsky %T The organization of interaction in collectives of automata %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 285-311 %K machine learning and heuristic programming %A G.R. Kiss %T Steps towards a model of word selection %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 315-336 %K cognitive processes: methods and models %A S.H. Storey %A M.A. Maybrey %T The game of hare and hounds and the statistical study of literary vocabulary %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 337-348 %K cognitive processes: methods and models %A D.J. Willshaw %A H.C. Longuet-Higgins %T The holophone - recent developments %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 349-357 %K cognitive processes: methods and models %A M.B. Clowes %T Pictorial relationships - a syntactic approach %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 361-383 %K pattern recognition %A A.W.M. Coombs %T On the construction of an efficient feature space for optical character recognition %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 385-401 %K pattern recognition %A C.J. Hilditch %T Linear skeletons for square cupboards %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 403-420 %K pattern recognition %A J.M. Foster %A E.W. Elcock %T Absys I: an incremental compiler for assertions; an introduction %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 423-429 %K problem-oriented languages %A J.E. Doran %T Planning and generalisation in an automaton/environment system %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 433-454 %K principles for designing intelligent robots %A R.J. Popplestone %T Freddy in toyland %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 455-462 %K principles for designing intelligent robots %A J. McCarthy %A P.J. Hayes %T Some philosophical problems from the standpoint of artificial intelligence %B Machine Intelligence 4 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi4 %P 463-502 %K principles for designing intelligent robots %A A.M. Turing %T Intelligent machinery %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 3-23 %A Z. Manna %A J. McCarthy %T Properties of programs and partial function logic %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 27-37 %K mathematical foundations %A R. Milner %T Program schemes and recursive function theory %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 39-58 %K mathematical foundations %A D. Park %T Fixpoint induction and proofs of program properties %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 59-78 %K mathematical foundations %A R.M. Burstall %T Formal description of program structure and semantics in first order logic %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 79-98 %K mathematical foundations %A P.J. Landin %T A program machine symmetric automata theory %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 99-120 %K mathematical foundations %A J.A. Robinson %T A note on mechanizing higher order logic %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 123-133 %K mechanized reasoning %A J.C. Reynolds %T Transformational systems and the algebraic structure of atomic formulas %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 135-151 %K mechanized reasoning %A G.D. Plotkin %T A note on inductive generalization %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 153-163 %K mechanized reasoning %A B. Meltzer %T Power amplification for automatic theorem-provers %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 165-179 %K mechanized reasoning %A R. Kowalski %T Search strategies for theorem-proving %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 181-201 %K mechanized reasoning %A R.J. Popplestone %T An experiment in automatic induction %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 203-215 %K mechanized reasoning %A I. Pohl %T First results on the effect of error in heuristic search %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 219-236 %K machine learning and heuristic search %A E.J. Sandewall %T A set-oriented property-structure representation for binary relations, SPB %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 237-252 %K machine learning and heuristic search %A B.G. Buchanan %A G.L. Sutherland %A E.A. Feigenbaum %T Rediscovering some problems of artificial intelligence in the context of organic chemistry %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 253-280 %K machine learning and heuristic search %A D.L. Marsh %T Memo functions, the Graph Traverser and a simple control situation %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 281-300 %K machine learning and heuristic search %A D. Michie %A R. Ross %T Experiments with the adaptive Graph Traverser %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 301-318 %K machine learning and heuristic search %A J.R. Allen %A D. Luckham %T An interactive theorem-proving program %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 321-336 %K man-machine interaction %A F.V. McBride %A D.J.T. Morrison %A R.M. Pengelly %T A symbol manipulation system %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 337-347 %K man-machine interaction %A D. Willshaw %A H.C. Longuet-Higgins %T Associative memory models %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 351-359 %K cognitive processes: methods and models %A M.H. van\ Emden %T Hierarchical decomposition of complexity %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 361-380 %K cognitive processes: methods and models %A P. Buneman %T A grammar for the topological analysis of plane figures %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 383-393 %K pattern recognition %A N.H. Searle %T Shape analysis by use of Walsh functions %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 395-410 %K pattern recognition %A K.A. Paton %T Conic sections in automatic chromosome analysis %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 411-433 %K pattern recognition %A D. Rutovitz %T Centromere finding: some shape descriptors for small chromosome outlines %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 435-462 %K pattern recognition %A D.R. Hill %A E.B. Wacker %T ESOTERIC II - an approach to practical voice control: progress report 69 %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 463-493 %K pattern recognition %A P.A.V. Hall %T On imitative systems theory and pattern recognition %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 495-515 %K pattern recognition %A J.E. Doran %T Planning and robots %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 519-532 %K principles for designing intelligent robots %A P.J. Hayes %T Robotologic %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 533-554 %K principles for designing intelligent robots %A H.G. Barrow %A S.H. Salter %T Design of low-cost equipment for cognitive robot research %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 555-566 %K principles for designing intelligent robots %A R.L. London %T Bibliography on proving the correctness of computer programs %B Machine Intelligence 5 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1969 %K machint mi5 %P 569-580 %A R.L. Gregory %T The social implications of intelligent machines %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 3-13 %K perspective %A E. Ashcroft %A Z. Manna %T Formalization of properties of parallel programs %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 17-41 %K program proof and manipulation %A D.C. Cooper %T Programs for mechanical program verification %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 43-59 %K program proof and manipulation %A J.A. Robinson %T Computational logic: the unification computation %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 63-72 %K mechanized reasoning %A D. Kuehner %T A note on the relation between resolution and Maslov's inverse method %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 73-76 %K mechanized reasoning %A S.Ju. Maslov %T Proof-search strategies for methods of the resolution type %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 77-90 %K mechanized reasoning %A J.L. Darlington %T A partial mechanization of second-order logic %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 91-100 %K mechanized reasoning %A G.D. Plotkin %T A further note on inductive generalization %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 101-124 %K mechanized reasoning %A I. Pohl %T Bi-directional search %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 127-140 %K heuristic paradigms and case studies %A M.H. van\ Emden %T Optimal data compression %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 141-150 %K heuristic paradigms and case studies %A D.N.L. Levy %T Computer chess - a case study on the CDC 6600 %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 151-163 %K heuristic paradigms and case studies %A E.A. Feigenbaum %A B.G. Buchanan %A J.L. Lederberg %T On generality and problem solving: a case study using the DENDRAL program %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 165-190 %K heuristic paradigms and case studies %A G. Hunn %A J. Lederberg %T The genetics counselor %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 191-203 %K heuristic paradigms and case studies %A J.E. Doran %T Some recent models of the brain %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 207-220 %K cognitive and linguistic models %A H.C. Longuet-Higgins %A M.J. Steedman %T On interpreting Bach %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 221-241 %K cognitive and linguistic models %A S. Isard %A H.C. Longuet-Higgins %T Question-answering in English %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 243-254 %K cognitive and linguistic models %A E. Sandewall %T Representing natural language information in predicate calculus %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 255-277 %K cognitive and linguistic models %A A. Rosenfeld %T Isotonic grammars, parallel grammars and picture grammars %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 281-294 %K approaches for picture analysis %A D.A. Huffman %T Impossible objects as nonsense sentences %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 295-323 %K approaches for picture analysis %A A. Guzman %T Analysis of curved line drawings using context and global information %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 325-375 %K approaches for picture analysis %A H.G. Barrow %A R.J. Popplestone %T Relational descriptions in picture processing %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 377-396 %K approaches for picture analysis %A M.D. Kelly %T Edge detection in pictures by computer using planning %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 397-409 %K approaches for picture analysis %A S. Amarel %T Representations and modeling in problems of program formation %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 411-466 %K problem-solving languages and systems %A E.W. Elcock %A J.M. Foster %A P.M.D. Gray %A J.J. McGregor %A A.M. Murray %T ABSET: a programming language based on sets; motivation and examples %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 467-492 %K problem-solving languages and systems %A P.J. Hayes %T A logic of action %B Machine Intelligence 6 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1971 %K machint mi6 %P 495-520 %K principles for designing intelligent robots %A B. Randell %T On Alan Turing and the origins of digital computers %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 3-20 %K prehistory %A R.M. Burstall %T Some technique for proving correctness of programs which alter data structures %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 23-50 %K program proof and manipulation %A R. Milner %A R. Weyrauch %T Proving compiler correctness in a mechanized logic %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 51-70 %K program proof and manipulation %A G.D. Plotkin %T Building-in equational theories %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 73-90 %K computational logic %A D.C. Cooper %T Theorem proving in arithmetic without multiplication %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 91-99 %K computational logic %A R.S. Boyer %A J.S. Moore %T The sharing of structure in theorem-rproving programs %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 101-116 %K computational logic %A D. Kuehner %T Some special purpose resolution systems %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 117-128 %K computational logic %A J.L. Darlington %T Deductive plan formation in higher-order logic %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 129-137 %K computational logic %A D. Michie %A R. Ross %A G.J. Shannan %T G-deduction %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 141-165 %K inferential and heuristic search %A R. Kowalski %T And-or graphs, theorem-proving graphs, and bi-directional search %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 167-194 %K inferential and heuristic search %A E. Sandewall %T An approach to the frame problem, and its implementation %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 195-204 %K inferential and heuristic search %A E.S. Deutsch %A K.C. Hayes,\ Jr. %T A heuristic solution to the tangram puzzle %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 205-240 %K inferential and heuristic search %A P.D. Krolak %A J.H. Nelson %T A man-machine approach for creative solutions to urban problems %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 241-266 %K inferential and heuristic search %A B.G. Buchanan %A E.A. Feigenbaum %A N.S. Sridharan %T Heuristic theory formation: data interpretation and rule formation %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 267-290 %K inferential and heuristic search %A Joyce Friedman %T Mathematical and computational models of transformational grammar %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 293-306 %K perceptual and linguistic models %A A. Rosenfeld %A D.L. Milgram %T Web automata and web grammars %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 307-324 %K perceptual and linguistic models %A D.J.M. Davies %A S.D. Isard %T Utterances as programs %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 325-339 %K perceptual and linguistic models %A G.T. Herman %A A.D. Walker %T The syntactic inference problem applied to biological systems %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 341-356 %K perceptual and linguistic models %A D.J. Willshaw %A O.P. Buneman %T Parallel and serial methods of pattern matching %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 357-367 %K perceptual and linguistic models %A T. Ito %T Approximate error bounds in pattern recognition %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 369-376 %K perceptual and linguistic models %A R.L. Gregory %T A look at biological and machine perception %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 377-385 %K perceptual and linguistic models %A V.I. Varshavsky %T Some effects in the collective behaviour of automata %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 389-403 %K problem-solving automata %A R.E. Fikes %A P.E. Hart %A N.J. Nilsson %T Some new directions in robot problem solving %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 405-430 %K problem-solving automata %A P.H. Winston %T The MIT robot %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 431-463 %K problem-solving automata %A H.G. Barrow %A C.F. Crawford %T The Mark 1.5 Edinburgh robot facility %B Machine Intelligence 7 %E Bernard Meltzer %E Donald Michie %I Edinburgh University Press %D 1972 %K machint mi7 %P 465-480 %K problem-solving automata %A E.W. Elcock %T Representation of knowledge in a geometry machine %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 11-29 %K knowledge and mathematical reasoning %A W.W. Bledsoe %A M. Tyson %T Typing and proof by cases in program verification %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 30-51 %K knowledge and mathematical reasoning %A I. Pohl %T Practical and theoretical considerations in heuristic search algorithms %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 55-72 %K problem-solving and deduction %A S. Sickel %T Variable range restrictions in resolution theorem proving %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 73-85 %K problem-solving and deduction %A W.M. McKeeman %T A formal model for space-filling puzzles %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 86-93 %K problem-solving and deduction %A R. Waldinger %T Achieving several goals simultaneously %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 94-136 %K problem-solving and deduction %A I.J. Good %T Dynamic probability, computer chess, and the measurement of knowledge %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 139-150 %K measurement of knowledge %A D. Michie %T A theory of advice %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 151-168 %K measurement of knowledge %A I.J. Good %T Rationality, evidence, and induction in scientific inference %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 171-174 %K inductive acquisition of knowledge %A R.S. Michalski %A P.G. Negri %T An experiment on inductive learning in chess end games %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 175-192 %K inductive acquisition of knowledge %A P.G. Negri %T Inductive learning in a hierarchical model for representing knowledge %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 193-204 %K inductive acquisition of knowledge %A I.J. Good %T Summing up of the discussion on inductive inference %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 205-206 %K inductive acquisition of knowledge %A J.M. Foster %T Programming language design for the representation of knowledge %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 209-222 %K programming tools for knowledge representation %A E. Sandewall %T Some observations on conceptual programming %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 223-265 %K programming tools for knowledge representation %A M.H. van\ Emden %T Programming with resolution logic %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 266-299 %K programming tools for knowledge representation %A R. Davis %A J. King %T An overview of production systems %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 300-332 %K programming tools for knowledge representation %A C. Green %A D. Barstow %T A hypothetical dialogue exhibiting a knowledge base for a program-understanding system %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 335-359 %K dialogue-transfer of knowledge to machines %A R.B. Davis %T Representing knowledge about mathematics for computer-aided teaching, part I - educational applications of conceptualizations from artificial intelligence %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 363-386 %K dialogue-transfer of knowledge to humans %A R.B. Davis %A S. Dugdale %A D. Kibbey %A C. Weaver %T Representing knowledge about mathematics for computer-aided teaching, part II - the diversity of roles that a computer can play in assisting learning %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 387-421 %K dialogue-transfer of knowledge to humans %A K. Kahn %T Three interactions between AI and education %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 422-429 %K dialogue-transfer of knowledge to humans %A J. Doran %T Knowledge representation for archaeological inference %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 433-454 %K case studies in empirical knowledge %A D. Rutovitz %T Chromosome classification and segmentation as exercises in knowing what to expect %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 455-472 %K case studies in empirical knowledge %A D.A. Huffman %T A duality concept for the analysis of polyhedral scenes %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 475-492 %K perceptual knowledge %A D.A. Huffman %T Realizable configurations of lines in pictures of polyhedra %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 493-509 %K perceptual knowledge %A A.K. Mackworth %T How to see a simple world: an exegesis of some computer programs for scene analysis %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 510-537 %K perceptual knowledge %A E. Charniak %T Inference and knowledge in language comprehension %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 541-574 %K world-knowledge in language comprehension %A R. Schank %T Representation and understanding of text %B Machine Intelligence 8 %E E.W. Elcock %E Donald Michie %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1977 %K machint mi8 %P 575-619 %K world-knowledge in language comprehension %A R.J. Popplestone %T Relational programming %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 3-25 %K abstract models for computation %A V.L. Stefanuk %T The use of a graph representation in optimization of variable replacement in LISP in the presence of side effects %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 27-40 %K abstract models for computation %A A. Yonezawa %A C. Hewitt %T Modelling distributed systems %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 41-50 %K abstract models for computation %A W.W. Bledsoe %T A maximal method for set variables in automatic theorem-proving %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 53-100 %K representations for abstract reasoning %A N.J. Nilsson %T A production system for automatic deduction %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 101-126 %K representations for abstract reasoning %A J. McCarthy %T First order theories of individual concepts and propositions %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 129-147 %K representations for real-world reasoning %A L.A. Zadeh %T A theory of approximate reasoning %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 149-194 %K representations for real-world reasoning %A S.I. Samoylenko %T Application of heuristic problem-solving methods in computer communication networks %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 197-210 %K search and problem solving %A E.H. Tyugu %T A computational problem-solver %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 211-224 %K search and problem solving %A J.P. Jouannaud %A G. Guiho %T Inference of functions with an interactive system %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 227-250 %K inductive processes %A D.B. Lenat %T On automated scientific theory formation: a case study using the AM program %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 251-283 %K inductive processes %A M.A. Arbib %T Local organizing processes and motion schemas in visual perception %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 287-298 %K perception and world models %A V.P. Gladun %A Z.I. Rabinovich %T Formation of the world model in artificial intelligence systems %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 299-309 %K perception and world models %A D.E. Okhotsimski %A V.S. Gurfinkel %A E.A. Devyanin %A A.K. Platonov %T Integrated walking robot %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 313-329 %K robot and control systems %A G.S. Pospelov %A D.A. Pospelov %T Influence of artificial intelligence methods on the solution of traditional control problems %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 331-348 %K robot and control systems %A J. Moussouris %A J. Holloway %A R. Greenblatt %T CHEOPS: a chess-oriented processing system %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 351-360 %K machine analysis of chess %A V.L. Arlazarov %A A.L. Futer %T Computer analysis of a rook end-game %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 361-371 %K machine analysis of chess %A G.M. Adelson-Velsky %A V.L. Arlazarov %A M.V. Donskoy %T Algorithms of adaptive search %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 373-384 %K machine analysis of chess %A T.A. Marsland %T A bibliography of computer chess %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 385-403 %K machine analysis of chess %A B.G. Buchanan %T Issues of representation in conveying the scope and limitations of intelligent assistant programs %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 407-425 %K knowledge engineering %A V.M. Briabrin %T The dialogue information logical system %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 427-442 %K knowledge engineering %A G.V. Senin %T Natural language for interaction with a database %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 445-452 %K natural language %A A.S. Narin'jani %T AI work in the Computer Center of the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 453-458 %K natural language %A R.C. Schank %A G. DeJong %T Purposive understanding %B Machine Intelligence 9 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E L.I. Mikulich %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1979 %K machint mi9 %P 459-478 %K natural language %A A.M. Ballantyne %A W.W. Bledsoe %T On generating and using examples in proof discovery %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 3-39 %K mechanised reasoning %A K. Konolidge %T A first-order formalisation of knowledge and action for a multi-agent planning system %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 41-72 %K mechanised reasoning %A I. Bratko %T Knowledge-based problem-solving in AL3 %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 73-100 %K mechanised reasoning %A T.B. Niblett %T A provably correct advice strategy for the end-game of king and pawn versus king %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 101-120 %K mechanised reasoning %A G.W. Ernst %A R.J. Hookway %T Mechanical theorem-proving in the CASE verifier %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 123-144 %K reasoning about computations %A E.H. Tyugu %T Computation frames and structural synthesis of programs %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 145-156 %K reasoning about computations %A J.R. Quinlan %T Semi-autonomous acquisition of pattern-based knowledge %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 159-172 %K acquisition and matching of patterns %A R.S. Michalski %A R. Stepp %T Revealing conceptual structure in data by inductive inference %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 173-196 %K acquisition and matching of patterns %A Y-H. Pao %A G.P. Hartoch %T Fast memory access by similarity measure %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 197-207 %K acquisition and matching of patterns %A T. Vamos %A M. Bathor %T A robot vision lab concept %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 211-226 %K computer vision %A H.G. Barrow %A J.M. Tenenbaum %T Interpreting line-drawing as 3-dimensional surfaces %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 227-238 %K computer vision %A E.D. Sacerdoti %T Practical machine intelligence %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 241-247 %K problems of robotics %A J.L. Nevins %A D.E. Whitney %A S.C. Graves %T Programmable assembly system research and its applications %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 249-266 %K problems of robotics %A B.G. Buchanan %T New research in expert systems %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 269-299 %K knowledge-based systems %A J. Gaschnig %T Application of the PROSPECTOR system to geological exploration %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 301-323 %K knowledge-based systems %A J. McDermott %T XSEL: a computer sales person's assistant %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 325-337 %K knowledge-based systems %A C. Green %A S.J. Westfold %T Knowledge-based programming self-applied %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 339-359 %K knowledge-based systems %A D.R. Barstow %T The roles of knowledge and deduction in algorithm design %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 361-381 %K knowledge-based systems %A L.I. Mikulich %T Natural language dialogue systems: a pragmatic approach %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 383-396 %K knowledge-based systems %A John A. Robinson %A E.E. Sibert %T LOGLISP: an alternative to Prolog %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 399-419 %K logic programming %A Kenneth A. Bowen %T Programming with full first-order logic %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 421-440 %K logic programming %A David H.D. Warren %T Higher-order extensions to Prolog: are they needed? %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 441-454 %K logic programming %A Keith L. Clark %A Frank G. McCabe %T Prolog: a language for implementing expert systems %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 455-470 %K logic programming %A P. Hammond %T Appendix to Prolog: a language for implementing expert systems %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 471-475 %K logic programming %A M.H. van\ Emden %T Chess end-game advice: a case study in computer utilisation of knowledge %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 477-498 %K logic programming %A M.A. Arbib %T Rana Computatrix: an evolving model of visuo-coordination in frog and toad %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 501-517 %K programs of the brain %A T. Poggio %A B.L. Rosser %T The computational problem of motor control %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 519-530 %K programs of the brain %A D.N. Spinelli %A F.E. Jensen %T Brains, machines and crystals of knowledge %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 531-537 %K programs of the brain %A R.J. Nelson %T Artificial intelligence, philosophy and existence proofs %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 541-553 %K philosophies of man and machine %A I.J. Good %T Ethical machines %B Machine Intelligence 10 %E J.E. Hayes %E Donald Michie %E Y-H. Pao %I Ellis Horwood Ltd. %C Chicester, England %D 1982 %K machint mi10 %P 555-560 %K philosophies of man and machine