The directory VGA contains VGA image files that are historic photographs and contemporary views of historic rustic style architecture at Mount Rainier National Park and other sites in the Pacific Northwest. It also has images representing an assortment of buildings, boats, and materials. These images were video captured from slides using a rear projection screen, a Panasonic AG-160 video camera, and a Willow Peripherals "Publishers' VGA" video capture board. The images were captured at 320x200 resolution with 64 gray levels, and they are stored in a compressed .TIFF format. Original photographs copyright C.B.Kennedy 1985. VCAP is a copyright program developed for the display of images digitized by the Willow Peripherals "Publishers VGA" video capture card. The program is initiated by typing "VCAP". After the Willow logo is displayed, press the [Spacebar] to call the program menu. Select the [Load] command to display an image from the current directory. (To return to the main menu during the execution of a function, always press the [Spacebar]). The image files are all stored in a Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), and are all displayable in a VGA system. For more information contact: Dennis B. Jones, College of Architecture and Urban Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA 24061.