Date: Sat 13 Feb 1988 23:04-PST From: AIList Moderator Kenneth Laws Reply-To: AIList@KL.SRI.COM Us-Mail: SRI Int., 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone: (415) 859-6467 Subject: AIList V6 #30 - Conferences To: AIList@KL.SRI.COM Status: R AIList Digest Sunday, 14 Feb 1988 Volume 6 : Issue 30 Today's Topics: Conferences - AI in Databases and Information Systems (China) & COIS88 Office Information Systems & CADE-9 Automated Deduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 5 Feb 88 20:10 N From: MEERSMAN%HTIKUB5.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: Conference - AI in Databases and Information Systems (China) The following is a Call for Participation to attend the first AI conference in the PR of China. Invited speakers are John McCarthy, Ray Reiter and John Sowa. International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) CALL FOR PARTICIPATION IFIP WG2.6/WG8.1 Working Conference on The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Databases and Information Systems July 4-8, Guangzhou, China The Working Conference is about The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Databases and Information Systems as well as about the role of Databases in Artificial Intelligence based systems. The Working Conference features the invited speakers: John McCarthy, Stanford University: "Knowledge about knowledge in databases"; John Sowa, IBM: "Knowledge representation in databases, information systems and natural language"; Raymond Reiter, University of Toronto: "Integrity constraints in databases and knowledge bases". During the 5-day conference 30 additional papers will be presented, selected from a large number of submissions. The participation is limited to 75 non-Chinese scientists, and 75 Chinese scientists. Group travel will be arranged from Europe. Post conference tours in China will be arranged provided that there is enough interest for participating in the various tour alternatives. There will be a social program for accompanying persons during the conference. Persons who want to participate are requested to register promptly, because of time consuming organizational details, like getting a visa, etc. In CASE OF OVERBOOKING, first priority is given to authors of accepted papers, WG-members, TC-members, and persons who are involved in the organization of the conference (e.g. PC-members). Next, authors of rejected papers and persons who are already on the guest-lists of WG2.6 and WG8.1 will be invited to fill up the remaining slots. Third priority is given to scientists without any previous affiliation to IFIP-activities. ORGANIZATION: General Conference Chairperson: A. Solvberg, Norwegian Inst. Techn., Univ. Trondheim, Norway Program Committee Chairpersons: R. Meersman, Univ. Tilburg, The Netherlands C.H. Kung, Univ. Iowa, USA Conference Co-Chairpersons: S. Sa, People's Univ., P.R. China C.S Tang, Academia Sinica, P.R. China Conference Secretary: J.J. v. Griethuysen, Philips, The Netherlands Organization Committee: K. Xu, P.R. China (Chair) Z. Shi, P.R. China (Secretary) Q. Yao, P.R. China (Local Arrangements) S. Chen, P.R. China Y. Gu, China G. Wu, P.R. China J. Yang, Norway Program Committee: R. Balzer USA E. Neuhold F.R. Germany D. Beech USA G.M. Nijssen Australia J. Bubenko Sweden A. Olive Spain Y. Chen China A. Pirotte Belgium E. Falkenberg The Netherlands R. v.d. Riet The Netherlands M. Fox USA A. Robinson USA C. Furukawa Japan C. Rolland France A. Furtado Brazil E. Sandewall Sweden H. Gallaire F.R. Germany H.J. Schneider F.R. Germany G. Gardarin France A. Sernadas Portugal F. Golshani USA Z. Shi China L. Kerschberg USA L. Siklossy The Netherlands R. Lee USA A. Solvberg Norway V. Lum USA J. Sowa USA L. Mark USA R. Stamper UK J. Minker USA G. Wiederhold USA M. Morgenstern USA B. Yao USA B. Moulin Canada C. Zaniolo USA FULL PAPERS (45 min.): ---------------------- Cauvet C., Proix C., Rolland C.: "Information systems design: an expert system approach", France. Dubois E.: "Logical support for reasoning about the specifica- tion and the elaboration of requirements", Belgium Esculier C.: "Inheritances with exceptions: an approach based on semantic tolerance", France. Falkenberg E.D., van Kempen H., Mimpen N.: "Knowledge-based information analysis support", F.R. Germany. Jiang Y.J.: "A self-referential relational data model", UK. Lum V., Wu T., Hsiao D.: "Integrating advanced techniques into multimedia DBMS", USA. Neuhold E.J., Schrefl M.: "A knowledge-based approach to overcome structural differences in object oriented database integration", F.R. Germany. Nguyen G.T., Rieu D.: "Heuristic control on dynamic database objects", France. Qian W., Zhao Z.: "Temporal reasoning in DB", P.R. China. Rundensteiner E.A.: "The role of AI in DB's versus the role of DB theory in AI: an opinion", USA. Schiff J.: "The design of a knowledge based economic modeling tool (EMT) prototype", F.R. Germany. Sernadas C., Fiadeiro J., Sernadas A.: "Object-oriented conceptual modeling from law", Portugal. Shao J., Bell D. A., Hull M.E.C.: "LQL: A unified language for deductive database systems", UK. Tang C., Yin B.: "Data dependency and undecidability in a model of historical information system", P.R. China. Twine S.: "Representing facts in KEE's frame language", Australia. Wan J.-C., Zhou C.-H.: "MEX-1: an expert system shell", P.R. China. Wieringa R., van de Riet R.: "Algebraic specification of object dynamics in knowledge base domains", The Netherlands. Wohed R.: "Diagnosis of Conceptual schemas", Sweden. Zaniolo C., Sacca D.: "Rule rewriting methods in the implemen- tation of the logic data language LDL", USA. Zeng H., Tong Q., Yao W., Song X.: "HITKMS: a knowledge base machine system supporting cooperative expert-system and experiential learning", P.R. China. Zhang C., Tzu Y.: "A model for maintaining compiled Prolog databases", P.R. China. Zhou L., Yang D., Fan Z., Zhu L.: "QKBMS/75 -- A knowledge base management system growing from relational DBMS and logic programming language", P.R. China. SHORT PAPERS (15 min.): ----------------------- Berztiss A.T.: "On information-control systems, object orientation, and expert systems", USA. Demolombe R., Illarramendi A., Blanco J.M.: "Semantic optimization in data bases using artificial intelligence tech.s", France. Potter W.D., Nute D.: "d-KDL: an EDS environment incorporating defeasible reasoning", USA. Reimer U.: "On enriching the semantics of knowledge representa- tion models: a claim and an approach", F.R. Germany. Su B., Shi C., Wang K., Hu P., Shi H., Wang J.: "The architec- ture of a distributed knowledge base system", P.R. China. Shao J., Yao Q.: "A Knowledge-based query optimization system", P.R. China. Tang C.S., et. al.: "To connect the informal graphical design methodology with the formal specification in information system design", P.R. China. van Assche F., Loucopoulos P., Speltincx G.: "A rule-based approach to the development of information systems", Belgium. DETAILS OF THE ARRANGEMENT ARE: Conference fees: The conference fee will be approx. USD 250. There will be a social program for accompanying persons during the conference, approx. 20-25 USD/day/person, including lunches. Hotels: The recommended hotel is: East (Dong Fang) Hotel: Double room .......... 40 USD/day Single room .......... 30 USD/day A limited number of guest rooms of the Scientific Garden Building of "Guangzhou Association for Science & Technology" (GAST) may be available: Double room .......... 20 USD/day Single room .......... 12 USD/day The prices include breakfast. Group travel from Europe: Provided that there is enough interest, there will be arranged group travel from Europe. The details are: Price: Approx. 2000 Swiss Francs, from any European country. Outward trip July 1, evening, to Guangzhou via Hong Kong. Individual returns from either Beijing or Hong Kong. Post conference tour alternatives: There will be arranged post conference tours, if there are enough participating persons (min. 10 persons for each tour alternative). The details are [...] [Contact the message author for an application blank, hotel reservation form, and post-conference tour itineraries. -- KIL] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 9 Feb 88 09:36:32 est From: (Bob Allen) Subject: Conference - COIS88 Office Information Systems COIS88 - Conference on Office Information Systems . Advance Program March 23-25,1988 Hyatt Rickeys Hotel, Palo Alto, California Sponsored by: ACM SIGOIS and IEEECS TC-OA In cooperation with: IFIP W.G. 8.4 Wednesday, March 23, 1988 Introductions: Najah Naffah, Bob Allen Keynote: Terry Winograd Collaborative Work: (paper session) Chair: Irene Greif The rapport multimedia conferencing system S.R. Ahuja, J.R. Ensor, D.N. Horn, AT&T Bell Laboratories An integrated framework for the use of computers and computer modeling in negotiations D. Samarasan, J.D. Nyhart, C. Goeltner, MIT Quilt: A collaborative tool for cooperative writing, R. Fish, R. Kraut, M. Leland, M. Cohen, Bellcore How can groups communicate when they use different languages? J. Lee, T.W. Malone, MIT Distributed Artificial Intelligence - DAI (panel) Chair: Les Gasser Task Modeling, Planning, and Coordination (paper session) Problems in modelling tasks and task views M. Mazer, U. Toronto OTM: Specifying office tasks F.H. Lochovsky, J.S. Hogg, S.P. Weiser, A.O. Mendelzon, U. Toronto Using a planner to support office work W.B. Croft, L.S. Lefkowitz, U. Mass. Customizing cooperative office procedures by planning, R. Lutze, Triumph-Adler AMS: A knowledge-based approach to task representation, organization and coordination M. Tueni, J. Li, P. Fares, Bull Directions in Workstations Thursday, March 24, 1988 Organizational Impact (paper session) Chair: Rob Kling Computers' impact on productivity and worklife S. Dumais, R. Kraut, S. Koch, Bellcore The impact of electronic mail on managerial and organizational communications M. Sumner, Southern Illinois The influence of training on actual use of end-user software, L. Olfman, R. Bostrom, Claremont Graduate School/Indiana U. Disaligning macro, meso and micro due process: A case study of office automation in Quebec colleges F. Blanchard, A. Cambrosio, U. Quebec Social Research: Methods and Principles (paper session), Chair: Tora Bikson Cost benefit analysis of information systems: A survey of methodologies P. Sassone, Georgia Tech. Collection and analysis of data from communication system networks, R. Rice, USC Social choice theory and distributed decision making, A. Urken, Stevens Inst Understanding design as cooperative work, P. Ehn, U. Aarhus SIGOIS Business Meeting User Design of Interfaces (panel) Chair: Austin Henderson Hypertext and Information Retrieval (paper session) Chair: Walter Bender Query processing strategies : Cost evaluation and heuristics E. Bertino, F. Rabitti, and S. Gibbs Knowledge-based generation of conceptual hypertexts, U. Hahn, U. Reimer, U. Passau/U. Constance Knowledge based document classification supporting integrated document handling H. Eirund, K. Kreplin, Triumph-Adler Shared books: Collaborative publication management for an office information system B. Lewis, J. Hodges, Acorn Research/Xerox Seeing the forest for the trees: Hierarchical displays of hypertext structures. S. Feiner, Columbia U. Hypertext and Electronic Publishing (panel) Chair: Norm Meyrowitz Banquet, Speaker, Kristen Nygaard, Tresidder Union, Stanford University, 7:30-10:00 Friday, March 25, 1988 Multimedia (paper session) Chair: Donald Chamberlin Employing voice back channels to facilitate audio document retrieval C. Schmandt, MIT Interactive retrieval of office documents W.B. Croft, R. Krovetz, U. Mass. An experimental multi-media bridging system, E.J. Addeo, A. Dayao, A.D. Gelman, V.F. Massa, Bellcore Browsing within time-driven multimedia documents S. Christodoulakis, S. Graham, U. Waterloo Object-Oriented and Distributed Databases (paper session) An application oriented approach to view updates, J. Klein, A. Reuter, U. Stuttgart Aggregation and generalization hierarchies in office automation M. Bever, D. Ruland, IBM Object flavor evolution in an object-oriented database system Q. Li, D. McLeod, USC Semantic queries for office information system desig B. Pernici, Politecnico di Milano Object-Oriented, Organizational, and Market Systems (paper session) Chair: R.E. Fikes An object oriented system implementing KNOs, E. Casais, U. Geneva A commitment-based communication model for distributed office environments C. Koo, G. Wiederhold, P. Cashman, Stanford/DEC Market automation: Self-regulation in a distributed environment R. Miller, Boston U. Ubik: A system for conceptual and organizational development P. de Jong, MIT Object-Oriented PS/DBMSs (panel) Chair: Stan Zdonik [Contact the message author for the application form. -- KIL] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Feb 88 17:20:02 cst From: lusk@anl-mcs.ARPA (Rusty Lusk) Subject: Conference - CADE-9 Automated Deduction CADE - 9 9th International Conference on Automated Deduction May 23-26, 1988 Preliminary Schedule and Registration Information CADE-9 will be held at Argonne National Laboratory (near Chicago) in cele- bration of the 25th anniversary of the discovery of the resolution princi- ple at Argonne in the summer of 1963. Dates Tutorials: Monday, May 23 Conference: Tuesday, May 24 - Thursday, May 26 Main Attractions: 1. Presentation of more than sixty papers related to aspects of automated deduction. (A detailed listing of the papers is attached.) 2. Invited talks from Bill Miller, president, SRI International J. A. Robinson, Syracuse University Larry Wos, Argonne National Laboratory all of whom were at Argonne 25 years ago when the resolution principle was discovered. 3. Organized dinners every night, including the Conference banquet, "Dinner with the Dinosaurs", at Chicago's Field Museum of Natural His- tory. 4. Facilities for demonstration of and experimentation with automated deduction systems. 5. Tutorials in a number of special areas within automated deduction. Tutorials: We have tried to make the tutorials relatively short and inexpensive. It is hoped that many researchers that are skilled in specialized areas of automated deduction will take the opportunity to get an overview of related research areas. Some of the details (like titles, exactly which member of a team will give the tutorial, etc.) have not yet been finalized. The fol- lowing information reflects our current information. It may change slightly, but expect that no major changes will occur. Tutorial 1: Constraint Logic Programming This will be a tutorial on the Constraint Logic Programming Scheme, and systems that have implemented the concepts (see "Constraint Logic Programming", J. Jaffar and J-L Lassez, Proc. POPL87, Munich, January 1987). Tutorial 2: Verification and Synthesis This will be a tutorial by Zohar Manna and Richard Waldinger on their work in verification and synthesis of algorithms. Tutorial 3: Rewrite Systems This will be a tutorial given by Mark Stickel covering the basic ideas of equality rewrite systems. Tutorial 4: Theorem Proving in Non-Standard Logics This tutorial will be given by Michael McRobbie. It will cover a number of topics from his new book. Tutorial 5: Implementation I: Connection Graphs This tutorial will be given by members of the SEKI project. It will cover issues concerning why connections graphs are used and how they can be implemented. Tutorial 6: Implementation II: an Argonne Perspective This tutorial will present the central implementation issues from the perspective of a number of members of the Argonne group. It will cover topics like choice of language, indexing, basic algorithms, and utilization of multiprocessors. Tutorial 7: Open questions for Research This tutorial will be given by Larry Wos. It will focus on two col- lections of open questions. One set consists of questions about the field of automated theorem proving itself, questions whose answers will materially increase the power of theorem-proving programs. The other set consists of questions taken from various fields of mathemat- ics and logic, questions that one might attack with the assistance of a theorem-proving program. Both sets of questions provide intriguing challenges for possible research. How to Register Fill out the following registration form (the part of this message between the rows of ='s) and return as soon as possible to: Mrs. Miriam L. Holden, Director Conference Services Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne, IL 60439 U. S. A. Questions relating to registration and accommodations can be directed to Ms. Miriam Holden or Joan Brunsvold at (312) 972-5587. [Contact the message author for registration and hotel forms and for the schedule of sessions and social events. -- KIL] Preliminary Session Schedule Session 1 First-Order Theorem Proving Using Conditional Rewriting Hantao Zhang Deepak Kapur Elements of Z-Module Reasoning T.C. Wang Session 2 Flexible Application of Generalised Solutions Using Higher Order Resolution Michael R. Donat Lincoln A. Wallen Specifying Theorem Provers in a Higher-Order Logic Programming Language Amy Felty Dale Miller Query Processing in Quantitative Logic Programming V. S. Subrahmanian Session 3 An Environment for Automated Reasoning About Partial Functions David A. Basin The Use of Explicit Plans to Guide Inductive Proofs Alan Bundy LOGICALC: an environment for interactive proof development D. Duchier D. McDermott Session 4 Implementing Verification Strategies in the KIV-System M. Heisel W. Reif W. Stephan Checking Natural Language Proofs Donald Simon Consistency of Rule-based Expert Systems Marc Bezem Session 5 A Mechanizable Induction Principle for Equational Specifications Hantao Zhang Deepak Kapur Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy Finding Canonical Rewriting Systems Equivalent to a Finite Set of Ground Equations in Polynomial Time Jean Gallier Paliath Narendran David Plaisted Stan Raatz Wayne Snyder Session 6 Towards Efficient Knowledge-Based Automated Theorem Proving for Non-Standard Logics Michael A. McRobbie Robert K. Meyer Paul B. Thistlewaite Propositional Temporal Interval Logic is PSPACE A. A. Aaby K. T. Narayana Session 7 Computational Metatheory in Nuprl Douglas J. Howe Type Inference and Its Applications in Prolog H. Azzoune Session 8 Procedural Interpretation of Non-Horn Logic Programs Arcot Rajasekar Jack Minker Recursive Query Answering with Non-Horn Clauses Shan Chi Lawrence J. Henschen Session 9 Case Inference in Resolution-Based Languages T. Wakayama T.H. Payne Notes on Prolog Program Transformations, Prolog Style, and Efficient Compilation to the Warren Abstract Machine Ralph M. Butler Rasiah Loganantharaj Exploitation of Parallelism in Prototypical Deduction Problems Ralph M. Butler Nicholas T. Karonis Session 10 A Decision Procedure for Unquantified Formulas of Graph Theory Louise E. Moser Adventures in Associative-Commutative Unification (A Summary) Patrick Lincoln Jim Christian Unification in Finite Algebras is Unitary(?) Wolfram Buttner Session 11 Unification in a Combination of Arbitrary Disjoint Equational Theories Manfred Schmidt-Schauss Partial Unification for Graph Based Equational Reasoning Karl Hans Blasius Jorg Siekmann Session 12 SATCHMO: A theorem prover implemented in Prolog Rainer Manthey Francois Bry Term Rewriting: Some Experimental Results Richard C. Potter David Plaisted Session 13 Analogical Reasoning and Proof Discovery Bishop Brock Shaun Cooper William Pierce Hyper-Chaining and Knowledge-Based Theorem Proving Larry Hines Session 14 Linear Modal Deductions L. Farinas del Cerro A. Herzig A Resolution Calculus for Modal Logics Hans Jurgen Ohlbach Session 15 Solving Disequations in Equational Theories Hans-Jurgen Burckert On Word Problems in Horn Theories Emmanuel Kounalis Michael Rusinowitch Canonical Conditional Rewrite Systems Nachum Dershowitz Mitsuhiro Okada G. Sivakumar Program Synthesis by Completion with Dependent Subtypes Paul Jacquet Session 16 Reasoning about Systems of Linear Inequalities Thomas Kaufl A Subsumption Algorithm Based on Characteristic Matrices Rolf Socher A Restriction of Factoring in Binary Resolution Arkady Rabinov Supposition-Based Logic for Automated Nonmonotonic Reasoning Philippe Besnard Pierre Siegal Session 17 Argument-Bounded Algorithms as a Basis for Automated Termination Proofs Christoph Walther Automated Aids in Implementation Proofs Leo Marcus Timothy Redmond Session 18 A New Approach to Universal Unification and Its Application to AC-Unification Mark Franzen Lawrence J. Henschen An Implementation of a Dissolution-Based System Employing Theory Links Neil V. Murray Erik Rosenthal Session 19 Decision Procedure for Autoepistemic Logic Ilkka Niemela Logical Matrix Generation and Testing Peter K. Malkin Errol P. Martin Optimal Time Parallel Algorithms for Term Matching Rakesh M. Verma I.V. Ramakrishnan Session 20 Challenge Equality Problems in Lattice Theory William McCune Single Axioms in the Implicational Propositional Calculus Frank Pfenning Challenge Problems Focusing on Equality and Combinatory Logic: Evaluating Automated Theorem-Proving Programs Larry Wos William McCune Challenge Problems from Nonassociative Rings for Theorem Provers Rick Stevens ------------------------------ End of AIList Digest ********************