0 Version 1.3D 31 May 1988 1 G 2 G 3 OR 4 get Display Jump > < Quit Help Set List Bar Alpha Expand Past SOrt EDit Write 5 Copyright (c) 1983,1988 Personal Library Software All Rights Reserved 6 Please type your database name after "PL" as in: PL movies 7 Enter command> 8 Query 9 Hit Enter for more 10 GET 11 get 12 Retrieved 13 GET 14 DISPLAY 15 EXPAND 16 HELP 17 SET 18 SORT 19 QUIT 20 PAST 21 BAR 22 ALPHA 23 VERSION 24 documents written to file DOCOUT 25 Query 26 No more documents 27 Doc. # 28 Rank 29 END 30 end 31 Missing ':' in SET command 32 OPERATOR 33 Error in SET command 34 The database you are searching is: 35 The default operator is: 36 Field labels and defaults for (S)earch, (D)isplay and (T)itle are: 37 D 38 S 39 There are 40 documents and 41 unique words in the database. 42 AND 43 OR 44 ADJ 45 Illegal Operator 46 ON 47 OFF 48 Invalid Option - valid options are: ON OFF 49 F 50 Missing ( 51 Missing ) 52 NOT 53 OR 54 AND 55 NOT 56 ADJ 57 ( 58 ) 59 W/ 60 ILLEGAL 61 JUMP 62 FIGURE 63 EXECDOS 64 KEYS 65 EDIT 66 Unable to open 67 Error in field table 68 Invalid field label 69 ALL 70 No documents retrieved 71 Estimated Relevance 72 Document's 73 Rank 74 Too many documents to sort 75 documents sorted 76 documents had no value for the sort field 77 help 78 .hlp 79 No help for 80 Nothing to expand on 81 negdic.wrd 82 Maximum of 83 words in 84 error in display fields 85 Enter a word (or return if finished) ==>> 86 PLFLDBLD requires database name as an argument 87 Unable to open .DEF file 88 Field label too long, LINE 89 (DS) 90 (D) 91 (S) 92 () 93 Unknown defaults, LINE 94 Error in file 95 Unable to open .LOC file, FILES=16 in config.sys? 96 The whole database will have to be reloaded. 97 document number 98 Number of terms written 99 terms read 100 There are 101 words in the dictionary 102 terms sorted 103 End of pass 104 N 105 (SD) 106 : 107 ? 108 * 109 ! 110 Error in query number 111 mktable: posting not in reasonable range 112 < 113 > 114 WRITE 115 Document rank or ID is out of range 116 none 117 N 118 characters with no newline is too long 119 Automatic display of Bar chart is: 120 REPAINT 121 N 122 Password file is corrupted 123 Enter password for 124 PASSWORD 125 Enter system password: 126 Program requires database name as in: 127 ENCODE 128 DECODE 129 again to confirm 130 Try again 131 Press RETURN to follow hit list, > or < to page through the database 132 No fields found for display on this page 133 .\;',-" 134 a 135 Can't search on 136 ; too many hits. Max is 137 No more hits in this document. Type J for first hit of next document. 138 19 139 80 140 LIST 141 Y 142 Automatic display of hit List is: 143 TITLE 144 T 145 146 N 147 Expanding - Please wait ... 148 47 149 32 150 37 151 37 152 32 153 31 154 32 155 37 156 37 157 34 158 34 159 31 160 33 161 44 162 40 163 41 164 44 165 40 166 44 167 43 168 41 169 42 170 47 171 40 172 DB 173 Contents 174 Y 175 Automatic display of Document Title is: 176 Y 177 Automatic display of DB name is: 178 generic.sta 179 N 180 Enter a ranking number or range. Examples: Display 5 , Display 1-10 181 set to 182 END 183 PGDN 184 HOME 185 PGUP 186 DEFAULT 187 Document Header Labels not available 188 N 189 Give range as: Fieldy where x and y define top and bottom of range 190 NONE 191 Y 192 Y 193 WRDHITS 194 MRGHITS 195 MAXDQHTS 196 3000 197 MAXDQWDS 198 200 199 MAXDQPCT 200 10 201 MAXEXDWD 202 50 203 MINEXHTS 204 3 205 48 206 MINEXCOC 207 2 208 MAXEXUSE 209 10 210 too much memory needed; set discarded. Avoid very common words. 211 Enter name of database 212 sub-process failed... exit and start again 213 Database 214 already exists, first delete its indices 215 Enter file name with new records 216 Enter file name with docid's to delete 217 Enter docid of record to update 218 Enter file with new version of record 219 Retrieve from a database 220 Create a database 221 Add records to a database 222 Delete records from a database 223 Update a database record 224 Delete a database (except source and def files) 225 Exit admininistration function 226 Type CR to continue 227 old words to delete 228 new words to add 229 has 230 postings 231 is an invalid query number 232 yields 233 DSTNH 234 Type name(s) of file(s), separated by spaces, or CR for the default 235 Index these files in place (else copy into database) 236 Enter name of database file to copy into 237 CR for first file 238 PROXIMITY 239 N 240 Hit carriage return to continue