Digital Libraries for CS

Here are some pointers to Digital Libraries / bibliography servers related to CS.

ACM Digital Library Collection at Virginia Tech
Small test collection of CACM articles from those scanned in as part of the NSF-supported Envision project.
ACM Graphics Bib. DB
SIGGRAPH Online Bibliography Database
ACM Computer Graphics Courseware Repository
SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Courseware Repository (ftp)
interactions Bibliographies on Human-Computer Interaction
BibNet Project and TeX Users Group FTP bibliographies
bibliography collections from Nelson Beebe including HTML with extensive internal and external hypertext links. See examples: IBM Systems Journal, DEC Technical Journal. See program to build these from BibTeX.
CACM Collection (1959-1979) using Inquery
U. Mass. CIIR demo of Inquery with CACM test collection
Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
from Alf-Christian Achilles; updated monthly; 790 locally stored bibliographies; more than 530,000 references; 20,000 references contain URLs to an online version of the paper; more than 1600 links to other sites carrying bibliographic information; uses Glimpse
Databases and Logic Programming (mirror)
bibliography server by Michael Ley
Hypertext Bibliography Project
Hypertext Bibliography Project (Glimpse search of many publications)
Networked Computer Science Technical Report Library
Table of Contents re LIS
Table of Contents for JASIS, IPM, etc. - may be slow
Univ. of Wales Cardiff CS Courseware
Courseware on Algorithms, AI, C, Graphics, Image Processing, Parallel Processing, Vision, X