A Short Annotated List of WWW Resource Sites Relating to Distance Learning
Compiled by Mark Sanders

http://www.att.com/cedl/: AT&T Center for Excellence in Distance Learning - Rich source of documentation (research, articles, handbooks, etc.) on why and how to use Distance Learning. AT&T's Center for Excellence in Distance Learning (CEDL) has an overall purpose to advance the state of the art in distance learning. CEDL creates information products for AT&T customers who are planning distance learning solutions. CEDL professionals will also consult with customers to increase productivity, reduce costs, and enhance the quality of the education and training customers provide.

http://www.fwl.org/edtech/dlrn.html: The Distance Learning Resource Network (DLRN) is a Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development (FWL) project, which disseminates information from and for educators, administrators, policy makers and parents interested in the effective implementation of distance education.

http://lenti.med.umn.edu/~mwd/courses.html: Virtual Courses on the Web, compiled (and copyrighted) by Mark Dalton.

Table of Contents
1. Academies or Groups of courses on various topics.
2. Genetics and Cell Biology courses
3. Molecular Biology/modeling and Biochemistry.
4. Biocomputing.
5. General Biology.
6. Medicine and medical related.
7. Chemistry courses/tutorials.
8. Digital Image Processing.
9. Programming Tutorials.
10. Music tutorials/information.
11. Other tutorials or courses.

http://dist_ed.alaska.edu/: UAA Distance Learning offers taped telecourses, live televised classes (LiveNet), facilitation of satellite-delivered videoconferences, coordination of UAA audioconferencing, programming of Anchorage TeleCampus, and assisting departments in delivering courses to students via distance delivery. Now you can get your Associates of Arts (AA) Degree through Distance Education!

http://uu-gna.mit.edu:8001;uu-gna/uu-gna/index.html: The Globewide Network Academy is a global non-profit consortium of educational and research organizations. We intend to improve education by creating a central marketplace for courses as well as to offer administrative and technical services in support of online courses. We welcome institutions involved with distance education to join our consortium and for individuals to submit course applications.

Please forward URL's for other appropriate sites to Mark Sanders